23. Nolan.

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Five days

Five fuckin days.

Nate isn't coming home, he had been in his office for two days straight and I don't know what is wrong with him. He says that he was busy with work but I can see it in his eyes this isn't only a case! There was something he wasn't telling me. This case was stressing him. I try to coax him in to coming home but all he says is he has so many things to do. He has dark circles under his eyes, he is not sleeping at all and it's hurting me so much.

Seeing the love of your life stressed hurts so much. I know this is all about my case, the hearing is in two days but isn't he taking it too far. I mean yes it's not an easy case but I think he is taking it too far. The way Nathan loves his kids, it's hard for him to not see them but these past days he seems to be in his own world. I feel guilty! This is all my fault, if I was careful all this wouldn't have happened, now my Nate is sleeping in his office. I miss him.

" Uncle Nolan isn't daddy coming back today" Madi asked with hopeful eyes. I sighed deeply searching for something to tell my bubble.

"He is not coming back but he said he will be here tomorrow"  no need to lie to her. Nathan did say that he will be back tomorrow, he said he was going to do something important today. " What can I tell him when I go to his office today" I ask the twins who were frowning missing their daddy.

" That we love him and miss him" Mason replied with a small smile on his lips. They miss him too much maybe I can talk to him into sleeping here today. He called me to and the only thing he told was to bring him a suit because he has a press conference. With that he hung up on me before asking much. I don't know what he was up to but it sounds dangerous.

" Ok, I will be back in one hour, bubble go do your work in your room and after you take a nap and Mason since your hand still hurts you go take a nap. I will be back before you both know it" I told them with a smile. The doctor took off the cast today but his hand still hurts a little bit. And the doctor said to not use it so much. I said bye to them as I walked to the laundry room " Earth I'm off I will be back in one hour or so" she nodded softly giving me a smile.

I walked to my car putting Nathan's suit in the back seat along with his shoes and socks as I clambered in driving off to his firm. Many things running through my mind, I thought it will be a small case but as I look in Nathan's eyes. I see that it was bigger than I assumed it will be. I miss him so much, I miss holding him in my hands and make love to him.  The bed feels so cold without him uggggg. I shouted in to my head.

We went with at my house with the twins and brought my things to Nate's home which is mine now, I don't have many things only  one suite case hence it wasn't hard. I am waiting for this case to be over so that I can go back to German and pack all my staff. I reached Nathan's firm clambering out of the car getting his things from the back seat locking my car as I moved to the elevator.

Maybe I should ask him to have lunch with me since it was lunch time. I wish he could say yes, I miss talking to him, listening to his voice and him leaving me in the dark hurts so much. I want him to tell me what the fuck is wrong and maybe we can deal with it together even though I am not a lawyer but I can help with whatever was going on.

" Hi Elin, how are you" I said when I reached Nathan's assistant.

" I am good Mr Thompson" she replied with a smile.

" Is he inside" I pointed at Nathan's door.

" Yes but he said to not disturb him, he seems to be busy with something" she replied her to concerned about Nathan.

" Thank you" I didn't wait for her to reply as I opened Nathan's door. He was about to say something when his eyes met mine. He was kneeling on the floor with a bunch of papers in front of him all lined up in straight line, his eyes were red with black spots under his eyes. My heart broke for the hundredth time. I put his clothes on the table as I walked towards him kneeling in front of him drawing him in to my arms.

He hugged me back tightly " how are you baby" I asked after a minute of hugging him. I stood up with him as I sat in his chair pulling him on my lap.

" I am fine" he replied hoarsly, his voice tired.

" Your not fine baby, look at you. Your not sleeping and I don't know whether you're eating either. Can you tell me what is wrong" I asked in a small voice putting my head in his chest inhaling his toxic scent.

" It's just this case is making me lose my mind" he sighed putting his head on my neck.

" Is it necessary for you to work 24/7" I asked again.

" I need it to be done before the hearing" he replied.

" It's about my case"

" Kinda" he inhaled pressing his lips to mine in to a passionate kiss. I kissed him back with eagerness whilst gripping his hips.

" I miss you so much" I breathed out

" I miss you too and the kids, how are they" he asked.

" They are fine, they miss you and love you" I say carassing his thigh up and down. " Have you eaten lunch" I asked as he shook no " let's go have lunch together" I say.

" Can we just have ice cream instead" he suggested.

" Nate ice cream isn't food" I drawled annoyingly.

" I know but that's what I want please" he looked at me with puppy eyes. I couldn't resist that look so I nodded slowly as he smiled at me. Only seeing that smile makes my heart to flatter.

" I will ask Elin to go get some for us" he nodded moving away from my lap feeling cold instantly. He kneeled back down as he resumed with his work. I told Elin what we wanted as she want to get it for us.   I walked back to Nate sitting behind him pulling him between my legs his back pressed on my chest.

" Nolan I am busy" he whined. I just pressed my lips in his neck nipping and sucking on it hard. He leaned against my chest letting out a loud moan tilting his neck unconsciously to give me access. I licked his neck softly while passing my hand inside his shirt to pull on his nipples. He put his hands on my thighs letting out those sounds I am so crazy about, the sounds I miss so much. " Nolan-" he cried out my name when I palmed his clothed dick massaging it softly.

I pulled his zipper down as I passed my hand inside his pants stroking him slowly " I miss you Nate so much" I husked pressing kisses around his neck. He turned around pressing his lips to mine whilst thrusting in my hand fast. I stroked him fast and hard when I heard him tense up.

" AHH" he cried out spilling in his pants and on my hand. I kept on massaging his dick prolonging his pleasure, " oh God" he moaned in pleasure and just seeing him like this gives me pleasure. " What was that for" he asked smiling at me.

" To relieve your stress baby" I replied

" Thank you" he said blushing, oh God I missed that colour in his cheeks.

" Don't thank me for giving you pleasure baby" he nodded shyly.

" Now I need a shower" he Said pecking my lips " let me go shower then change. The press conference is about to start any way" he jumped up on his feet

" Why are you holding a press conference Nate" I asked

" You will see baby, this case is about to make your boyfriend famous"

" You're famous" I told him.

" That is nothing honey, just know things are going to be messy for the coming weeks and I'm going to be the talk of the city" he smirked evily " your about to meet the real Nathaniel Wright"  with that he walked towards the bathroom leaving me stunned with wide eyes. What did he mean by that.

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