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This book needs strong editing and I will edit it but time isn't on my side guys sorry. If you spot any big mistake feel free to inform me and I will gladly fix it

Thank you for taking a chance to read this book,i am so grateful. I won't be taking much of your time enjoy;.

Happy reading.

"I am pregnant" Nathaniel's body was on fire after voicing out the words he had been intending to say to his lover for weeks now. Nolan, his lover looked at him like he had grown two heads. " I found out two weeks ago" Nathaniel added biting his lips hard gazing at Nolan to see his reaction. Nathan was nervous his whole body was shaking in fear.

"You're joking right?" Nolan asked rubbing his face after a while.

"I wish I was" Nate replied softly his lips trembling in fear, he had just gotten together with Nolan after years of crushing on the boy and he really didn't know what to expect from Nolan and Nolan could be scary sometimes.

"Nate, if you have forgotten" Nolan lifted his chin up gazing in his brown eyes while the other hand placed on his shoulder "you're a man with a dick, no man gets pregnant ok" Nolan said smiling "if you want another piece of me, you should have said so Nate. Sex with you was amazing, I would love another round too" Nolan smirked not taking what Nate had said seriously.

"It's not that Nolan" Nate fidgeted with his hands pulling out a piece of paper from his jeans handing it to Nolan. Nate was also surprised by this when he went to the doctor and they told him he was pregnant. He had been feeling sick lately and throwing up so much, hence his mother forced him to go the hospital to see their personal doctor. He was really feeling bad and he couldn't take it anymore.

Nolan opened the paper slowly his heart beating fast making him too scared of what he would see on it. The look on Nate's face shows that the boy wasn't lying, he knows Nate, he wasn't a type to joke around. The boy was pure and innocent "ho- how did it happen" Nolan stuttered looking at the ultrasound in his hands. Nolan didn't know where to look really everything was so confusing. Nate sighed knowing that Nolan wasn't seeing anything, Nate pointed at the small bean in the middle of the paper and when Nolan saw it, he knew that he was fucked. He pulled on his hair hard shouting at the boy in front of him "how did it happen" he growled.

"Remember the condom broke" Nate said trembling pulling on his fingers nervously.

"I know Nate, I remember it broke but how did it happen, you're a boy" Nolan was now freaking out by this.

"Does it matter Nolan; the good thing is that we are going to be parents" Nate smiled at the thought of being parents with the boy he had been in love with since middle school. That's what matters right.

"Parents, I am not ready to be a parent Nate. If you have forgotten you're sixteen and I am seventeen. We are still too young to be parents" Nolan said pacing around "are you sure it's mine Nate, didn't you sleep with other dudes before me or after me" Nate looked at him with wide eyes surprised that he could ask that.

"Nolan remember I was a virgin when we-" Nate blushed remembering that beautiful day. Him and Nolan entangled in sheets making love, Nolan whispering things in his ear while pounding in him hard. That's all he ever wanted being in Nolan's arms and Nate was sure he won't forget that beautiful day.

Now Nate's face was like a strawberry just remembering that day.

"How can I know that you didn't trick me" Nolan looked at Nate with a serious look, that question brought Nate back to his senses getting out of his dirty thoughts "that baby isn't mine, go look for another man to pin it on" Nolan said about to walk away when Nate pulled at his hand stopping him.

"I know you're scared Nolan, I am too but we will go through this together. We love each other and with love everything is possible" Nate smiled saying, he knows with love everything is possible, nothing can beat that.

"Nate! Nate! Nate, the stupid Nathaniel" Nolan looked at him with a devilish look which made Nate step back a little in fear "I never loved you, all I wanted was to get into your pants that's all and today was the day I was going to break up with you. All those words I said were lies. I got what I wanted and that was it stop flattering yourself. Who can love somebody like you, and I am straight not gay" Nate's legs buckled at what he was hearing "so get it in to your little head Nate, I will never play family with you. If you thought coming here telling me that you're pregnant was going to work. Shame on you Nate it won't work" his voice was low and dangerous; his eyes were dark and made Nate shiver in fear.

"Please you said you love me, you said-"

"I know what I said little shit and I am here to tell you that it was all a lie" Nolan stepped in front of Nate looking directly in those deep brown eyes "now get this through that smart head of yours, I don't want you to come near me again, don't talk to me, don't think about me and if I hear any word that I am the father of the bastard inside of you" Nolan squeezed Nate's stomach hard making the boy to cry out in pain "I will kill you" his eyes were dark showing that he will surely murder Nate "get it!" he shouted making Nate to nod quickly.

Nolan smiled stepping away from him "good luck then" with that he turned around leaving the scared Nate all alone in fear. Nate didn't know what to do at this moment, he just pulled out his phone to call the only people in his life that understands him and those are his parents. He first called his mother but she didn't pick up then called his father, Nate was now regretting not having any friends, how was he going to break this news to his parents.

"Hello Nate" his father said when he picked up "wait for me outside I will pick you up in five" his father hung up after hearing his son sobbing. Nate slung his bag over his shoulder doing what his father had told him, he stood outside the school waiting patiently for his father with tears on his face. He didn't mind the students at all when he walked down the hallway looking down at his feet in fear that the students will see through him. In exactly five minutes his father was packed outside the school as Nate clambered in.

The man never asked anything as he drove home in silence with only Nate's sobbing filled the car. His father Samuel, put his hand in Nate's thigh squeezing it in comfort. Reaching their residence, they clambered out entering their home slowly whilst Samuel holding his son's hand.

Nate was lucky, his family loved him so much that they felt bad seeing him crying.

"I am so sorry dad I disappointed you" was the first thing Nate said when they settled inside on the sofa cushions.

"You will never disappoint me love, tell me what is wrong" Samuel encouraged saying. There was nothing Nate could do to disappoint his father but this time Nate knows that he will be disappointed.

"I went to the doctor today because you know I have been throwing up these past days and feeling bad" Nate started fear in his heart but he didn't have anything to do and he trusts his family more than anything and sooner or later they will find out, Samuel hummed his hand on Nate's thigh caressing it softly to encourage him. He would have taken Nate to the hospital but he was busy and now he feels bad that Nate had to go to the hospital alone in this condition. Poor baby.

"I am pregnant dad, I am so sorry I didn't-" Nate cried harder "I am sorry that I disappointed you, I brought shame to you dad" Samuel processed what his son said for a minute before he said anything.

"Are you sure doctor Vans told you this?" Samuel asked as Nate nodded in agreement not meeting his father's eyes in fear that he would see disappointment in those brown orbs of his.

"I know you had many things planned out for me but I disappointed you dad I am really sorry forgive me" Nate sobbed but Samuel just pulled him into a hug patting his shoulder, he had heard some cases of men getting pregnant but Samuel didn't know that his son was one of them.

"I am not disappointed in you Nate, I am just shocked but everything will be ok" Samuel looked at his sobbing son and his heart ached in pain, he didn't want to see his son cry like this, he loved him so much "I will never stop loving you Nate. You're my son and I love you no matter what ok. We are going to through this all together with your mother ok" Samuel smiled showing Nate that it was ok "Who is the father"

"Dad-" Nate just cried more "h-he" Nate didn't know what to say and Samuel knew what had happened, he wasn't stupid.

"If he didn't want to be with you it's ok, just know that you don't need him. You have us we will never let you go son. You will achieve so much more in this life" Samuel said seriously suppressing his anger. How can some bastard impregnate his son and leave him just like that? Samuel knew his son was gold, pure and innocent everyone must be grateful to have him. He clutched his hands hard wanting to go look for the bastard and kill him but he controlled himself, his son needs him.

"No, dad my life is over"

"Getting pregnant doesn't mean that life is over son. You will fulfill your dreams no matter what and you are going to give birth to that beautiful human being inside of you and we will love it so much. You will see everything will work out Nate trust me" Samuel smiled

"Thank you dad, I love you" Nate was happy to hear his father say those words to him, he wished Nolan had said the same to him.

"Just know your family will always stand with you"


First chapter done, hope you have enjoyed.

Sorry for this wrong grammar feel free to correct me. But please don't criticize and just know all this is in my head, I don't know shit about courtrooms or what lawyers do inside the court room. Be warned.

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