24. Nathan

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I had everything figured out, I just hope all this goes according to plan and don't back fire in my face.  I have to put these bastards in prison, it's not because Dakota told me too but what I saw on that memory card made my blood boil in flames in that I can't rest when I know that those bastard's are free wandering around hurting innocent people. And they made a mistake of their lives including Nolan in to their shit.

They touched the wrong person, I am so hungry in that I want all of them in prison for eternity.  I have looked in to them, I have everything I want to put them away for a long time, Dakota was right though, the evidence she gave me can put them in prison but they might get out on bail which I can't let happen at all. I need Dakota to give me all the evidence but I don't know were to find her for sure but I trust in her word. I'm going to do my part and she will do hers.

I was kind enough to send them a warning telling them to turn themselves in but the senator just send me a big cheque to keep me quite which of course i tore in pieces.

I am not the type to be bribed, they are all powerful men,  and I am going to expose senator Jennings in front of the whole world and he will know who Nathaniel Wright is. I know I am putting my family in danger by doing this but I can't just not do this and let those kids suffer when I can put the bastard's behind bars.

I finished showering as I put on the suit Nolan had brought me a smile appeared on my lips. He is so caring and loving, I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't here, I was sleeping in my office for the last five days not going back home, this had to be done. This was way too important and I think Nolan can understand.  I finished putting on as I looked myself in a small mirror in my office bathroom passing my hand I my hair.

I felt a knot in my stomach which ignored obviously. I moved out of the bathroom finding Nolan looking through my files, I know he was edger to know what was going on but I couldn't tell him, this was on me not anyone.

" Nate why are you looking in to my father's company and me" shit I forgot to hide the file away from him. I walked towards him slowly as I pulled him up pulling the file out of his hands pressing my lips to his in a slow kiss.

" You will find out in due time" I tell him as he looked at me weirdly " I had to do it Nolan, you will find out tomorrow, please trust me on this please" He looked at me for a while as he nodded slowly smiling pressing his lips to mine. " Is our ice cream here"he nodded smiling but I can see the confusion still in his eyes though he didn't ask. Nolan sat on my chair with me sitting on his lap and we started stuffing ice cream in our mouths.  I felt that knot again in my stomach and I felt like vomiting.

I cleared my throat closing my eyes trying to control it but it was stronger than me. I stood from Nolan's lap running in the bathroom puking all the contents in my stomach. Nolan touched my back soothing me. I breathed out slowly  flashing the toilet  and flashed water in my face. I brushed my teeth and I can see confusion in Nolan's eyes.

" Are you ok Nate" he asked grimly, I nodded slowly " let us go to the hospital now" he said coolly.

" No I am ok, i think its tiredness, that's all" I answered as I turned to him " it's nothing trust me" I convinced but in normal I was trying to convince myself. I overworked myself when I was working on the mayor's case but nothing like this ever happened. I rarely don't get tired over something like this, this worries me but I think I will be fine.

"If it's tiredness, after the conference you're coming home with me" he Said seriously. I nodded not in the mood to fight with him. I will probably work from home.  He pulled me into a comforting hug. We pulled apart when I heard a knock on the door. I told the person to come as Mr brown walked inside.

" Hi Mr Thompson, Nate" Mr brown said

" Hi Mr Brown" I replied

" Can I talk to you Nate for a minute" I nodded. Nolan got out after greeting Mr brown. " The senator called, he is freaking out. He thinks you're going to expose him on the national TV" Mr Brown said with a chuckle.

" That's what I am going to do sir" I said to him seriously.

" He was begging me to stop all of this and he wrote me a big cheque" he chuckled "that man is a shameless bastard think you should do this. Bring justice to those kids" I nodded smiling at him as he hugged me softly. " Here is the cheque" my eyes widened at the zeros I am seeing.

" Wow these are too many zeros" I voiced out my thoughts.

" Yeah I know but that doesn't compare to what he had done. I will die poor but this firm will bring justice to people who deserves it. I have to go see my wife, please good luck this is not easy at all" I nodded thanking him. That's why I love working for Mr Brown. His not greedy like others, he likes doing justice and if you have evidence he will be on your side with whatever you do.

I sighed looking at the cheque softly, if he knew he didn't want to go to prison he shouldn't have done this. Nolan came back looking at me as I put the cheque inside my pockets. " The conference is about to start Nate, I am going to be here waiting for you and as soon as you are done we are going home" I nodded kissing him one more time as I walked out Elin following behind me.

I walked with confidence, this is it. Another politician is going to be put in prison because of me. I thought, to myself. I reached in the conference room all the news reporters where ready, I took deep breaths as I took the stand pulling out a piece of paper placing it in front of me.

" Thank you all for coming at such a short notice but this can't wait" I started all of them listening to me. I nodded to the police chief who was smiling down at me encouraging me to go on. " I found out some disturbing things about our senator Jennings and I gave him an opportunity to confess his crimes to the world or else I am on to him, but he refused and wrote me a big cheque" all the reporters gasped

" I won't tell the world what you did! Not at least right now but I am to inform you senator Jennings that I am Sueing you in the court of law" all people gasped as they started asking questions. " You will all know guys in due time" I say as I looked in directly in the camera " I gave you a chance senator, now you're going to see the wrath of me and you're going to pay for your crimes just like the former mayor and I will make sure you spend the rest of your life behind bars with your friends. And don't think about running away! as I speak now your friends are under custody. This is your time senator, you will not get away with this, I will make sure of it" with that I  moved out with Elin following behind leaving the chief of police to do his job and explain to the people what was going on.

I didn't want to answer there questions now, I just needed to inform the senator, that's all.

I found Nolan seated in my office with mouth agape, my heart was pounding hard in my throat, he had never seen me in action before and I am like a stone if I am in action. He stood up slowly as he walked towards me crashing his lips to mine in an hungry kiss while rubbing his hard on on my growing one. He tugged on my hair hard pulling on it hard making me hiss as I opened up my mouth so that he can devour me. " Who are you" he whispered kissing my neck softly both of us breathing hard.

" What are you talking about" I asked pulling him closer to me

"You looked sexy as hell up there Nate, oh shit" he moaned when I started Stroking his clothed dick. " Your on the senator baby" I hummed in his neck pulling my pants down as he stroked me hard and fast. I pulled on his pants letting them fall on his ankles cupping his hard dick stroking  fast and hard. In about few minutes we both came in eachother's hands " why are you on senator Nate" Nolan asked breathless after a minute of silence.

" Because he played with the person I love"

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