14. Nathan

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"So, you're telling me that you gave him a chance to be with his kids" dad repeated for the hundredth time. I had come to drop off the kids so that I can go get ready for my date therefore I decided to tell mum and dad whom I was going on a date with. They didn't look pleased at all.

"Yes dad, even though he ran away he is still their..." I trailed off looking around not wanting the kids to hear this conversation.

"I am so proud of you" mum said after keeping quiet for a long time. I knew they will understand me. "You're giving him a chance which I think it's good but what I am not proud of is you going on the date with him" I sighed lowly. No one is on my side on this "that man will hurt you Nate, remember how he hurt you. You should co-parent not dating" she added as I looked at dad to back me up but he seemed to be in his thoughts too.

"I know he hurt me so much" I said in a small voice "but I don't know what he has that my heart can't resist. Only one smile and I am on my knees. Just him being close to me makes my body shiver, his kisses are so different than all the kisses I have gotten in my life" I sighed deep looking in space "the minute I saw him again, my heart raced, I was happy to see him again, I have dreamed about him asking me to go on the date, all the things I want in this life I see myself with Nolan. I have tried to forget him, but I can't. I can spend twelve years, thirty or more but I know my heart will still yearn for him to be in my life and most especially he makes me happy" now my parents were looking at me with wide eyes

I am in too deep to even deny it, Nolan was the man I love and if he asked me to go out with him, I intend to do it "can you do me a favour" dad was the one to break the silence. I nodded slowly "before doing anything with him can I first speak to him" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "I won't hit him Nate if that's what you're thinking" I sighed in relief "I just want to have a man-to-man conversation" he said grimly.

"Ok I will tell him" I said "mum are you ok with this" I asked to be sure

"As long as you are happy and know what you're doing it's ok with me" she replied standing up to come towards me "baby be careful this time, you might be in love with him but make sure this time he feels the same about you. I don't want you to cry again. It pained my heart the last time and I don't want to see you like that again" I nodded as I pecked her cheek thanking her.

"I promise this time I won't rush anything" she sighed.

"I trust you baby; now go we don't want you to be late" I checked my phone and I have one hour and half to get ready before Nolan picks me up.

"Let me say goodbye to the twins" I walked towards the basement where they were playing "Madi, Mas, I am leaving" I said giving them kisses on the foreheads "be good to your grannies ok"

"Yes daddy, tomorrow I will spend some time at my girlfriend's house" Madi asked

"Ok baby girl" I say caressing her cheek "what about you Mason" I asked.

"No daddy I don't have any plans" I nodded looking at my kids who put all their minds on the TV.

"Then I will see you tomorrow" I sighed looking at my kids thinking if they will love Nolan if they find out the truth "I love you both so much" I said and this time they both looked at me running towards me hugging me tightly while placing kisses on my cheek

"We love you too daddy" they said in unison as I smiled at them hugging them again tightly. I didn't want to let go of them; they are so precious to me. "Go daddy, don't get all emotional on us now" Madi giggled pushing me out of the door.

"Daddy tell Sebastian that I said hi" Mason shouted before I could move out completely. That boy with Sebastian, I noticed that Mason always asks about Sebastian, I think he is his favourite uncle. I nodded moving out.

"Bye mum love you" I pecked her on the cheek as I hugged my dad "dad please don't swear in front of the twins again" I said

"I swore in front of you since you were born Nate but you turned out great" he replied with a chuckle getting down from the stool reaching for his clutches that the doctor gave him. His hip was still hurting him, my poor dad. "They will turn out great Nate, now go before I change my mind and instead go beat up that son of a bitch" I nodded my head strutting towards my car and driving off. The drive to my parent's house is just twenty minutes so it wasn't that far to reach my house.

I first took a shower, brushed my teeth then combed my hair backwards putting in some gel. I wore white tight jeans with a black v necked long sleeved shirt and black Jordan sneakers. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked really good. My heart was racing in my chest hoping for this to be an amazing night with Nolan. I was so nervous that I first gulped a full glass of red wine to calm my nerves.

I can't believe he is the only one man who makes me feel this way yet when I go to court, I am never like this. But with Nolan all my confidence gets thrown out of the window. I feel insecure with him, I always think I am not enough. I wonder where he is taking me, I heaved a heavy breath picking up my phone and wallet as I strutted downstairs after putting some lip gloss on my lips to make them glossy and soft.

Nolan will be here in two minutes; I was really sweating. "Calm down Nathan, you can do this" I said to myself and on the cue the doorbell rang. He was one minute early. I took deep breaths as I moved to the door opening it to a smiling Nolan standing there in his glory.

He looks so handsome and hot. Oh my god, this is really injustice, how can God give all the beautiful features to only one person. He wore black fitted jeans, blue tight shirt showing off his sculptured chest and abs. The shirt brought out the colour of his eyes which where sparkling. On top of the shirt, he wore a black jacket with black boots and wow if that's not the definition of sexiness then I don't know what it is.  My mouth was agape, and I know I am not breathing right now, I was literally drooling. I touched my mouth to stop the drool from coming out before I make a fool of myself.

" Hey" he whispered the smile not leaving his lips. I cursed myself for shamelessly checking him out "don't worry I am checking you out too and wow I like what I see" he whispered coming near me. I stepped away from him slightly. My face doing injustice to me, it was heating up in embarrassment. Shit "you look gorgeous baby" he pulled me towards him pressing his lips to mine. I shamelessly moaned when his lips touched mine, what a way to embarrass myself.

Nolan pulled away licking his mouth "we should go before I have you for dinner" he winked at me and now I know my face is as red as a tomato. I nodded deeply whining, wanting to feel his lips on mine again. They were so delicious and I couldn't get enough. Nolan pulled on my hand as we moved to his car, he opened the door for me like a gentleman he was. I haven't said a single word. if you see what I am seeing you would be in daze too. "Ready" Nolan smiled at me after buckling his seat belt. I nodded biting my lips hard,

This is going to be a long night.

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