21. Nathan

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" Daddy, daddy wake up" I heard Madi say as I slowly opened my eyes to look at my beautiful daughter who was a few inches away from my face " morning" she smiled at me as I rubbed my eyes Patting Nolan's side but he wasn't there " uncle Nolan made breakfast for us daddy, he sent me to come get you before it gets cold" she said smiling. I smiled too remembering yesterday's events. I sat up feeling a sharp pain in my back but I didn't care, it was Nolan's doing which I loved so much.

" Let me brush my teeth I will be down in a minute" I replied Madi who kept looking at me with confusion in her eyes

" Daddy what happened to your chest and arms, it's bruised with red marks" she asked pointing at my bare chest, that's when I remembered oh shit. Nolan acted like he was sucking my blood like a vampire. Now I have to think, what should I tell Madi, she will get suspicious.

" Ah it's ah mosquitoes" I replied dumbly.

" Dad we are not in Africa" she replied " daddy did uncle Nolan hurt you" she asked in a concerned voice

" No no he will never hurt me princess" I hurriedly said to her " ok I didn't want to tell you but yesterday I came in contact with a cat, I was working on this  case and my client had a cat" I lied to dismiss this conversation "I took my medication don't worry it will be fine" Madi looked to be in thoughts, she nodded  smiling at me. She knows I am allergic to cats so that was a better excuse.

" Ok but don't forget to take other medicine daddy it looks bad" I nodded" hurry up" she ran out as I heaved a heavy sigh in relief. I forgot to put on a shirt and speaking of medicine I have to take my pills now. I got out of the bed walking to the bathroom opening the top shelve where I keep them. Shit, it's empty, I think I finished them. Fuck. I have to get them Before twenty four hours pass so I guess I have to go to the pharmacy to get some.

I can't make the same mistake again but I wasn't letting Nolan to slip out of my hands yesterday. I wanted him and I was willing to get him each way. I take these pills because Last time I had sex with Nolan the condom broke and we didn't take it as a big deal but since I got pregnant I have always been conscious. I always take one when I have been with a guy just to be safe of course. I didn't want surprises.

I brushed my teeth going downstairs finding Nolan seated on the table with the twins so engrossed in a conversation. " Morning" I said kissing Mason's cheek " how is your hand champ" I ask Mason.

" I am fine daddy, I hate this cast on it though but uncle Nolan says that I should keep it inorder for my hand to heal faster so that I can play football again" Mason replied with a smile. I walked towards Nolan pressing a kiss on his mouth softly smiling at him as he looked at me with a smile on his face. I kissed Madi too sitting down in my seat.

" After what happened you still want to play that stupid game " I asked not getting him I guess he loves it too much to quit.

" Yes daddy, it was an accident and football is not stupid" he replied coolly

" I told you baby, it was an accident,those happens much" Nolan put his hand on top of mine saying. I felt warmness in my body.

" Wharever" I muttered.

" Ok breakfast" Nolan jumped up serving us scrambled eggs, beacon. we started eating while chatting. " This week you won't go to school until I am sure Mason is better" I say after eating. The twins jumped up when I said, I think the saying is true, kids don't like school at all. " I have to go to work, You will stay with Earth but please behave"

"But uncle Nolan is taking us to the park" Madi whined. I looked at Nolan with an ached eyebrow.

" I have nothing to do to today so I think I will spend the day with them" Nolan shrugged

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