16. Nathan.

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Chapter 16


I am on the water floating.

I am on my happiest I have ever been.

I never thought that this will be the day Nolan Thompson the jock, the ladies man, the man who is supposedly to be straight, the man who ran away from me after finding out that I'm pregnant is here with me confessing his love for me. Me Nathaniel Wright, the nerd, who used to cover myself in books but here am I on a date with the hottest man I have ever lied eyes on confessing that he loves me and he is willing to give us a chance.

Now if I tell you that I am in heaven believe it guys, being here with Nolan is the only thing I have ever wanted in this life and finally I have got it. I have dreamed about him being with me,now, my dream has come true. Now I have to do everything in my power to fight for him, I have to get evidence that shows that he didn't rape that girl.

Of course he didn't, look at him if any one is being raped than it should be him. He is so handsome, muscled, gorgeous and mouthwatering sexy therefore why rape a girl if he can get any woman or man he wants. I will make sure to put those who are involved in this behind bars. My man is no rapists.

Today was going to be the day I go home with my boyfriend but fuck dad and his rules. Yet I couldn't disobey him, he saw how much I cried, it hurt him hence he has a right to be cautious so that I can not cry again. People may think I am stupid but a heart wants what it wants. Selena Gomez was right after all.

" Nolan I am sorry about this but I don't want the kids to find out about our relationship yet" i say putting my hand in his smiling.

" It's ok Nate I am in no hurry" he smiled at me, that smile that melts my whole being. " We will tell them whenever you're ready" see why I love him, so understanding. " Let's go, you have to work tomorrow and take the twins to school" Nolan said paying for our meal.

" They are spending the night at my parents" I say to him.

" You said that your dad broke his hip, is he ok" he asks.

" He will be ok even though he uses crunches but he will be, thanks for asking" I shrugged.

" Can I pick up the twins and take them to school tomorrow if it's ok with you. I don't have anything to do" Nolan asked.

" Mum will take them, maybe you will pick them up and spend the evening with them" I suggested

" Ok, what about you. Will you join us" he asked in a flirty tone and damn it was working. my whole body is in over drive.

" I would love that but my schedule is tight" I flirted back looking in his baby blue eyes.

" I know it's tight but I am sure I can fit in it" my face heated up instantly, making my hole to twitch in anticipation. I looked down blushing so hard. Nolan laughed in his baritone voice of his standing up " I like it when I make a famous tough lawyer blush" he pulled me out of my seat hugging me tightly. I can believe I still fit in his arms yet I am bigger now.

I put my face in his chest hiding my blush, his body was so warm in that I passed my hands around his waist pulling him closer. His scent feeling my norsils and damn he smells so good. We hugged each other like forever both of us enjoying each others warm bodies and I felt safe in his arms, this is what I always wanted. " Come let's go it's getting late" Nolan whispered kissing my hair gently. I nodded but no one moved, I wanted to be in his chest forever.

Finally Nolan pulled away from me as he held my hand in his smiling at me as we moved out hand in hand. I feel like I am the happiest man in this whole world " Nate" We turned around hearing someone call me. " I knew it was you Nate, long time no see" oh my God if I tell who it is you will faint.

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