8. Nolan

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A knock on my bedroom door woke me up from my slumber as a deep groan escaped my lips. Who the fuck was it, I ask myself rolling over the bed so that I can lie on my back. I looked at the bedside clock to see what time it was as a gasp escapes my mouth seeing that it was some minutes past 11 am. I had slept in, but can you blame me, I spent all night thinking about how things went yesterday with my kids and Nate. It was the best day of my life, spending time with him and kids like a family, gave me a warm feeling in my stomach and heart.

And just thinking about him, makes my whole body and heart heat up instantly. I thought it will be hard for him to let me see the kids but he wasn't selfish at all yet I did something bad to him. I left him when he needed me the most, but I can't believe he said I could see the children whenever I want, that made me so happy that I really don't want to go back to Germany, I want to stay here with my kids and Nate.

Oh God Nate!

That angel from above. He might have changed the way he looks and life style but he was still my Nate, with a good heart, with a pure heart. Those are the things I loved the most about him. He was real, not like some people I have met over the years, the way he smiles, is so pure you could mistake him for an angel.

If I stayed behind and accepted him everything would have different. Those kids would have called me dad not uncle and most especially I would have gotten the wonderful specimen in this world and that's Nate. So beautiful and gorgeous with a heart of gold.

You never know how much you miss someone until you see them again and yesterday, I just knew how much I had missed him. When Madison said about finding him with that Sebastian guy, I felt jealous, real jealously that I've never felt before. Yet I don't have a right to feel that way. Just thinking of another man touching him gives a...... A knock on the door interrupts me again as I shout for them to come in adjusting myself on the bed.

"Morning sir, you have a call from your dad" I groan inwardly. What does that old man want now. I tell the maid to pass me the phone.

"Hello dad" I said after taking a deep breath.

"Nolan, when are you coming back, I think the bachelor party ended" his deep cold voice cascaded through my ear as I felt shivers run through my entire body. I can't tell him why I am still in New York; he will flip then I will lose everything I have worked for and all the hardships will be in vain.

"I will come back in a month" I tell him and I heard him cruse at me. Probably saying how I disappoint him every time. I know him more than I know myself. I have to stay for a month because I don't know how long this case will take and most especially spend time with my kids.

"You have to come back as soon as possible Nolan, you're literally doing nothing in New York" he yells at me, I hear him breathing really hard probably wanting to punch something.

"I have pending things to do dad" I say in a small voice not to anger him more. He kept quiet for a long time and if it wasn't for his heavy breaths, I would have thought he hung up on me.

"Ok stay for a month or two, whatever you need" he says with a heavy sigh after some time. "I want you to meet someone, I will be sending her to you" I sit up quickly when I hear him say. What is this man thinking?

"Who" I ask my heart beating fast.

"Her name is Bella Campbell! get to know her! take her out! treat her like a queen! In three months, she is going to be your wife" he says like it's the simplest thing to say putting emphasize to each word. What century does he think we are, this stupid old man has a nerve, does he think we are still in the 18th century where a father gets his daughter or son a husband or wife.

"No" I say in a deep threatening voice balling my fists.

"What did you say boy" he asks and now I know I have angered him to no end, let him be angry at me, I don't care.

"I said no dad, I am not marrying her" I say firmly sticking on my answer.

"Yes, you will or else say goodbye to everything" I hear the phone click and I know he had hung up on me. I throw the phone on the floor breaking it in pieces. That man has a nerve, trying to arrange a marriage for me, what are we. For fucks sake we are not in the 1990's anymore. I will not marry her! Whether he likes it or not. I will lose everything but I will not marry someone I don't love because of wealth.

No way!

I have finally met my kids now the bastard is setting me up with God knows who. No way in hell. I throw the covers away from my body as I slide off my stockings from my feet putting on my slippers but before standing up my door swings open. I was about to scold whoever it was at the door when my friend Jessica came in.

"How could you do this to me Nolan, I have been waiting for an hour" oh shit, I promised to have breakfast with her. I totally forgot about that

"Sorry I forgot, why didn't you call me" I ask looking at her apologetically.

"I called but your phone is off asshole" she shouts at me, "what the fuck Nolan why would you break the phone" she said pointing at the pieces of the phone on the floor.

"That's not my phone and for breaking that phone, my dad happened" I say with a heavy sigh. I pulled my phone from the night stand seeing that it's off "I forgot to charge my phone sorry Jess" I say plugging in my phone into the charger.

"What happened with him today" she asks slowly walking towards me all anger vanishing from her eyes which held worry.

"Go at the pool, we will talk there, I need to cool down for a minute" she nods her head getting out of the room. I find my way to the bathroom having a quick shower my thoughts on Nate imagining how it would feel to be in the shower with him, I bet his skin was still soft and smooth.  I get a boner but I just ignored it brushing my teeth. I put on my swimsuit getting out of my bedroom walking to where Jessica was seated.

She was one of my best friends whom I trust the most. Even if when moved to Germany I stayed in contact with her but I never told her the reason for my sudden moving. It was hard to tell anyone because everyone has his or her opinions on things and I didn't want anyone to change my mind at that moment which was a stupid idea to say the least.

Jessica was the one who told me to not go through with the bet but silly me wanted to please my friends and act tough. Before I regretted making Nate pregnant but after seeing my kids I reconsidered. Out of the blue they are my life, I want to cuddle them and protect them forever.

"So, what happened?" Jess asked when I made myself comfortable near her putting on my sunglasses. I told her about my dad's arranged marriage "this is not 18th century that man should get a grip" she says anger evident in her eyes.

"That's what I said" I chuckled lowly. "I will not marry her, no matter what"

"Don't Nolan" she says matter of fact. "So how did it go with Mr. Wright" she asked making me stiffen a little. Though, I think today is the day I finally tell her the truth about why I left New York, she is my best friend and I trust her. I trust her because she was the first girl to put me in my place when I tried getting in to her pants. No girl had ever resisted me except her and that's how we became friends.

"Remember Nathaniel from Abigail high" I ask fumbling with my hands.

"Yes, the book worm whom you fucked and dumped, how can I forget how you broke his heart you bastard" she says with a scowl on her face. She never liked that bet at all and she never forgave me for what I did she has a good heart that's why most times I wonder why she was still my friend.

"Nathaniel is Mr. Wright" she gasps out loudly.

"What, no way. I couldn't even recognize him, he had changed. Nathaniel the nerd, who couldn't even look in anyone's eye, the shy Nathaniel is Mr. Wright the famous lawyer here in New York. Nathaniel the nerd was the person who put the mayor in prison because of embezzlement and fraud. That case made him famous Nolan. Every one hated the mayor and for years no lawyer had managed to put the bastard behind bars but the Nathaniel Wright the nerd of Abigail high put him there. Is the same person you fucked over with" she rambled on "are you shitting me" I shook no "you're fucked Nolan, really fucked where are you going to get a good lawyer, no one is good as Mr. Wright. I admire him so fucking much. Now he kicked you out of his office, you're fucked" she adds with worry on her face.

"He didn't kick me out Jess, he took the case" I say feeling guilty in my heart.

"Really, he doesn't remember you" I shook my head no "why would he help you then" she asked confused.

"Remember I moved to Germany after sleeping with him and breaking his heart" she nods "actually, after sleeping with him he got pregnant and that's why I ran away" she looks at me her mouth opening and closing still processing the information I had just given her.

"What!" she shouts.

Ok guys what do you think of this chapter.

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