31. Nathan

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Trigger warning. Mentions of rape ahead.

The judge sighed deeply as she sat back in her sit telling me to resume. I told one of the guards to bring the kids some chairs seeing that the court room was full. Dakota was brave and I was so proud of her. I looked at Nolan who was looking at me with confusion and I winked at him and I can't believe he actually blushed, I snickered at how cute he looked with red tint on his face so damn cute. I averted my eyes from him looking at the five men who where looking at me with anger in their eyes, the senator was now serious and he was worried when he saw Dakota here and I bet he was sweating profusely.

I looked around at my father and mother who gave me a smile in encouragement, Mateo and Theo where seated besides my mum and dad who also gave me a smile, I wasn't surprised that Sebastian wasn't here, I was still pissed at him at what he Said yesterday, Nolan's father was seated behind my family and he had a scowl on his face. I walked in front calling Dakota up " let me hope this good attorney Wright" the Judge said grimly. I just smiled at her.

" Can you tell the jury and the court who are you and what your doing here" I asked Dakota who smiled, I can see how nervous she was.

" My name is Dakota Usoro" she replied confidently, I gave her a smile encouraging her. " I am here to testify against these- people here" she glared at the scared senator.

" Do you know these people Mrs Usoro" I asked

" Yes" Dakota replied I asked her to tell the court their names " that one is my father Erik Usoro, senator Jennings, Dean Laurent and Josh peck known as pearl like he likes everyone to call him" she identified them.

" Can you tell the jury and the court what they did" I asked smiling.

" Yes" she took deep breaths " my mother was from Kenya, she fall in love with Erik. They met in Kenya when Erik went there to do some business and they fall in love. They got married and lived ten years in Kenya until Erik told her that he wants to come back to America, telling her that he got job. Erik was a loving father to us me and my sister" she sobbed taking deep breaths. I told the guard to bring her some water and he did.

" Take it easy Mrs Usoro"  she nodded.

" We moved to America, I was seven and my sister was fifteen. We where a happy family until mother passed away in a car accident after a month of coming to America. Erik didn't take it good-"

" Shut up you brat you don't know shit" Erik stood up shouting.

" Order in the court" the judge beat her gravel to shut him up. But he continued

" I will kill you Dakota if I get out of here, Your dead" he spat out

" I will lock you up Mr Usoro if you don't keep quiet" the judge threatened. His lawyer touched his shoulder calming him down as he sat down glaring at Dakota who looked scared gulping hard " continue" I nodded at Dakota giving her an assuring smile.

" After the death of our mother Erik started to mistreat us, but mostly my older sister" she said looking in space " we had each other! when my sister turned sixteen Erik took her somewhere and she came back crying, I asked what had happened but she didn't tell me, she just told me that I was young I will not understand. It went on and on for months , Erik taking her somewhere and Everly came back sometimes bruised"

" I was tired seeing her like that so one day I followed them and I found out that they didn't even get out of the house. Our house is so big, there is a basement where everything went down. What I saw made me weak to my legs Mr Wright" she sobbed looking at her father with hatred in her eyes.

" What did you see" I asked

"When they reached my sister got on the bed and Erik cuffed her hands and legs on the bed after removing her clothes leaving her nude. I was confused at first not knowing what was going on, I have never seen something like that before. Then my dad started saying staff which I again I didn't understand" she inhaled deeply.

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