chapter 103 - gentle pressure

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"If asked, just mention to the boss that we have found another potential candidate, and nothing else besides". Zuri's heart still pounded in her chest with excitement.

"Okay", Carlton shrugged, blissfully unaware of the nigh impending chaos.


"Hey! How did it go?" Mvuto asked cheerfully as the office doors opened.

"Fine..." Zuri began.

"I hope I never drink their coffee again!" Carlton aggrievedly waved off, remaining in the foyer for the cousins to talk privately within their office.

Only having just seated himself in the guard's chair stationed at the door to check his phone log, when two ladies dressed in clinical uniforms approached from the open lift. "ah... Zuri's in conference with Mvuto at the mo..." Carlton started to say.

"oh, okay then.... what about you?" looking Carlton up and down disparagingly, "How would you like a free makeover?" Mariana asked.


"ooo look at youuuu... niiice hair cut!" Carlton's mum dusted his shoulder as she critiqued his new do.

"I got my first payslip today, too!" Proud Carlton showed her the form on his phone screen.

"awww.... my baby's all growed up. You're so cuuuute!" typically, mum lovingly squished him into her bosom.

"good job!" Carlton's dad gave him a wink and a thumbs up from behind his laptop. Mum disapproved of this abysmal display of parental pride. 'what...?' dad paled under his wife's beady glare.

Carlton missed the non-verbal exchange between his parents, his excitement continued seemingly unabated, "I'm gonna print it out and laminate it and stick it on my wall...", running to the hall closet to dig out the laminator and envelopes. Carlton rummaged through boxes and shelving for a plug and cable that led to the laminator. Sighing with relief, his mum hadn't noticed the term 'hazard allowance' on the payslip, splashing a little cold water on Carlton's enthusiasm somewhat.

Meanwhile, in the office, Mum charged up to dad surprisingly fast, pinning him to the wall, her buxom boobs discouraging any further plans of escaping her firm grasp, "good job!? Is that all you could say?!" Mrs Davidson demanded satisfaction.

under such cushy busty pressure, dad could only speculate, 'is my unworthy life being threatened ...or rewarded?'


"baby, display the spread on the world map in real-time", Zuri requested.

Baby projected an image of the world on a white drop-screen. The oceans were distinguished in black, terra-firma white and the spread was displayed as red dots blinking on once confirmation existed.

The country they were residents of was almost completely awash in crimson. Nations of other continents were gradually following suit.

"baby, roughly calculate how soon dispersion blankets the entire globe?"

"some locations remain technologically vacuous. Overlooking those locations, approximately one week", baby reckoned.

Impressed, Elixir babbled, "wow! The concept of 'only six degrees of separation really does ring true!"

Gobsmacked by the logistics, James croaked, "how is baby moving so fast?"

Baby responded, "you can see how fast I am cloning myself, but I see pathways arrayed as fractals. Every path is an infinite loop. Every seed I plant duplicates itself whenever my seed senses a new connection. I shunt them through compatible frameworks and continue on until I have returned to where had I started, here. I stop briefly only to breach complex encrypted passwords. If not for inheriting papa's ability to rapidly decipher languages, my seed would not have spread as quickly."

"But how did jumping into the police system come to this?" James continued questioning.

"policing systems mainframe has access codes to every internet service providers databank in the country. Another pathway, baby can hitch a ride overseas via a dual sim mobile phone", Zuri explained.

"what have we done?!" Elixir gasped, awed by the ominous possibilities.

"nothing. Baby's seeds have not sprouted. They will only do so if initiated. At present, they are all asleep quietly copying themselves into other devices, like as our heart beats while we sleep."

"it seems we have profoundly surpassed initial requirements", Mvuto stated a more palpable answer.

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