chapter 87 - duty calls

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Chief quietly kicked himself for not being brave enough to confiscate the mobile phone of 'daughter of the goddess' to check if that old analogue number they were on the lookout for was listed in her 'contacts'. 'No doubt it probably was,' he admonished himself. At least, he had some indication of what to expect in the future concerning their POI 'Allure'. As he will be calling him from this point onwards. During the morning swap-over meeting, Chief put everyone in the loop.

"From now on, our POI will be called 'Allure'. You know it's his tag, but it is also what his real name translates as. I'm keeping his actual name quiet until he is of legal age. At present, he is underage and still in school. This information was gathered during the interview with our female POI, who will remain anon. Word from her is she has sisters...."

"unholy fuck, there's more of them!" someone blurted.

"ahem!... sisters who voluntarily admit they are working alongside Allure to help him build a 'nest'"

"nest! Now that's the WTF moment!" to counter the earlier random interjection.

Chief continued on to suppress further interruptions. "Her exact words describing this nest are 'enclosed space, safe from intruders, a protective box no one can enter without his permission', which he is building right at this present moment, somewhere in this precinct. When asked why, our female POI stated, 'he does this and is very good at it'. She did not proceed to explain further except to say that Allure was building the nest for a particular person. I am led to believe she doesn't actually know who this person is, and nor does Allure. She did not mention the sex of 'this person' either. So I'm assuming the 'nest' is to protect 'this person'. And I was warned not to interfere in the search for them."

"What happens after he finds this person?"

"Without actually asking Allure, I can only speculate that perhaps he will be totally immersed in protecting them", from hence, the chief parried questions.

"from what exactly?"

"shit! Now that you mention it, that protective box does seem a little OTT to be protecting one person just from the outside world.... But the woman didn't seem too anxious otherwise, she wouldn't be out and about..."

So worried about surviving the encounter with his dignity still intact and his undies clean, in hindsight, Chief belatedly realised he forgot to ask an obvious question.

"Maybe she isn't a target? Maybe the person Allure is trying to protect is being or about to be targeted by someone... I know it's what I would do to protect someone ... "

"is it another one of those types of people he's trying to protect?"

"no, that's one thing she was adamant about. She said they were just a normal human..." Chief cited.

"well, then that explains the level of protection... if one of them is hunting a normal human, then that should explain the amount of effort... but why just a human?"

"if all of them are that concerned about just one human target, then there must be something pretty messed up planned to warrant such a huge effort to protect them, heh?"

Chief abruptly felt the sudden urge to worry about what more was carelessly left unchecked during the hasty interview.

Meanwhile, at the construction worksite, Mvuto and Zuri finally introduce their baby to the mainframe and its aux components after preliminary formal introductions to the new building.

"...the batteries are filled as a priority, so you should never be compromised via that route. You have a batch of 75 aux plugs holes just for the individually linked rotary cameras located, so there are no blind spots. And another batch of 30 for linking to security safety measures like the front door, the garage, and ground floor lockdown. All your aux inputs are upgradable and expandable...." while Zuri pointed out the touristy highlights, Mvuto admired the layout and expanse of his new bedroom and bathroom facility. No doors were necessary as the angles of the walls blocked inward views. The acoustics were a different matter. Another feature of the walls was the surface coating to dampen noise and echo. The floor of the bedroom arena had a smooth enough finish to emit a glossy sheen, a perfect surface for the floor mural now beneath his feet. A masterpiece of perfection was his bed centred on the dense cross-hairs of the lei-line grid. Delivery of all interior furnishings were dropped off in the garage and dispersed from that location. Nevertheless, Mvuto personally took delivery of his own.

"... once you're booted up and settled in, we will test everything for hackability before we notarise the viability of its use..."

"I will not be able to follow mum and dad if I remain here", baby complained.

"if we wear a camera and earpiece, will that be adequate?" Zuri offered.

"Not entirely, I will not feel temperature fluctuations at your location", baby is complicated.

"We can link you to the ventilation system and thermos for this building. Will that be adequate?"

"will my cameras capture thermal imaging?" give baby an inch...

"Whatever you want, baby"

"don't spoil baby! Graduate the upgrades. We have to find out if all those high-end peripherals actually exist first before we can attach them!" Mvuto interrupted.

"you are correct papa, I found bodycams did not offer the features I needed them to have, but there are camera glasses that could fulfil baby's needs. Will you wear glasses for baby?" Zuri asked Mvuto.

"I can but not while off duty."

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