chapter 3 - just brosing

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DK counted the number of arrivals from his vantage point as they stepped out of the matt-black 'getaway vehicle', arming themselves, tucking into their belts at the rear, various heavy items useful as weaponry. Three stepped out, one remained at the wheel. Brian had mms'd DK images of his bro and associates and was among the three who arrived at the scene. Brian was looking forward to this 'meeting' barely containing his excitement, chanting internally, 'I'm sick of their gangsta bullshit! Please make them slaves... please make them all slaves!'

"Before we begin..." Brian's brother shirt-fronted him "... you're my bro, we fight united and watch each other's backs... you had better be in this with us and fight, or you're not my bro... you're dead!" always acting the tough-nut to the extreme.

Brian didn't say out loud - 'trying to inspire fealty asshole?!' instead, he replied passively, "you're my bro".

The response was a levelling stink-eye with a slight nod.

Forced to carry a weapon, Brian chose the long baton torch, good for blinding opponents, bad if shone into the faces of your own gang. Having some experience with competently handling it, his hardhat bro did not dispute this choice.

As Brian held the torch, he was the first through the gaping doorway into the degraded industrial shed. A quick sweep of the interior resulted in the space being declared empty, of other humans at least.

The trio moved deeper within, cautiously hunting for ground free of debris to step into. To assuage their frustration, they violently cleared the area of obstacles. Having not checked the rafters above the door they came through, the boys would soon realise they wasted their time. DKlanded in a flurry of dust and debris using his barrier as wings to lighten his drop to the ground. Standing at full height, DK was in shadow to the side of the doorway through which the street light shone with a similar effect as a torch beaming into the faces of his opponents. Touche DK. Gathering his wits, Brian shone his torch into DK's face, but the only thing it reflected was the 'pearly-whites' of his Cheshire cat grin.

"is that him?" someone whispered

"yes", Brian confirmed

"How can you tell?"

"Is that torch working?"

Brian shone it at another wall to prove it was and then pointed it back at the place he thought DK was still standing but not.

"Show yourself, coward!" Brian's bro's yell echoed.

"what's your name, punk, so we'll know what name to put on your gravestone!"

"Mvuto..." his voice echoed from all directions

"what was that m...moota?"

"I said it was complicated", Brian reminded his brother.

"Mvuto!" a bellowing voice violently piercing their eardrums, reverberating through and around the shed. "what are your names?" pleading ignorance. However, Mvuto already knew them but kept his source closeted.

"show yourself, and I'll introduce you!"

Brian held the torch directed at his feet, but as soon as Mvuto spoke, he shone the torch in the direction of that voice.


"How did he get there? He must have...."

Mvuto had noiselessly appeared behind them on the other side of the shed to avoid stepping into the light from the street, barrier muffling his steps.

Between the opposing sides were rays from streetlights and the flittering shadows of moths and beetles. Now no one could close the space without crossing the light.

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