chapter 73 - more suprises?

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Back at the precinct, after removing the body-cam attached to his spectacles, Chief downloaded the file he had just recorded to peruse the playback, stopping at the point where the boys were heading in.

'how did I miss that?!"

without a doubt, Mvuto certainly was an oddity. The only student not toting a school bag.

Suddenly an alert for a flagged email broke the silence of his office.

'Okay, what's this?!' fearing another surprise on the horizon, Chief dared to open the email.

"what's with Mvuto's attitude!?" Elixir asks no one in particular, but it just so happens James is beneath him, bearing his master's angry sex like a champ.

"what was he thinking?... I wasn't going to kidnap the boy ... I just wanted to see what he looked like... why doesn't Mvuto trust me?.... I'm so upset now... I just want to cry ..." Elixir collapsed on top of James to sulk, expecting his lover to embrace and comfort him. James obliged, patting and stroking Elixir's back soothingly.

'God is wordy today!' James sighed.

"I'll start this meeting with something interesting... I have been given the recordings of several emergency call-ins for ambulances from dispatch, who happened to recognise the caller's voice. Even though she spoke with different accents, the reason for the calls was the same. The first call is the one we've all heard previously (click), the one where our POI was present but unaffected. The second was a month later (click)..." the same voices are played again and again "... the third happened the following month (click) ... etc. for the rest (click)....(click)... all for symptoms of sudden onset of food poisoning ... but not from the same eatery. The test results for all victims of the symptoms were elevated levels of e.coli. Which are not only related to food poisoning, but all warm-blooded animals have it already in their bowels but at much lower levels that we are all normally immune to. And if I still need to remind you, it is very contagious. However, no other diners were affected, which could only mean they contracted the symptoms after leaving the premises. I will also point out in the first recording the symptoms occurred immediately after a violent assault. Judging from that first recording, our POI is either immune or perhaps because he was masked, which could also mean he knew what was happening and didn't interfere. There has been no evidence of their connection since. However, she is still out there calling emergency services.... a coincidence? When I asked, the hospital reported the e.coli strain was the same in each case. Further on the subject, not the only coincidence however, hospital security found incriminating evidence. Ranging from exorbitant amounts of cash, drugs, paraphernalia, unmarked guns etc. Soon after the victims' health improved, many of them were quarantined in prison, especially those in breach of parole conditions... the others are suspects by association... it's a bummer the hospital is in another jurisdiction, otherwise, we would have those arrests going to our quota instead of our neighbours. But then again, who would want a contagion in our cells... I guess we dodged a bullet there... So just a heads-up, if this woman is a friend of our POI and is capable of deliberately inflicting this on people she sees as harmful to society... there's no arguing that point, right?... Then I dare say we have 2 POIs... So please diligently use the PPE I have brought in... Masks along with their 3D inserts... fun-size hand sanitisers and wipes for your vehicles... remember the woman's voice and that she can change her accent and most likely already has ours down pat!" Chief rose his voice over the sudden clamour for the protective gear.

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