chapter 24 - boohoo blahblah

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The first day of the week seemed normal at school until rec break when a class member checked online what was trending.

"isn't that mmmf!" Carlton tried to comment on the downloaded vid playing on a classmates phone, but Mvuto suddenly gagged him.

"time to go! We have practice for the athletics carnival."

"But I'm only in it to make up the numbers competing. I always come last!"

"put in some effort! You might come second.... last."


Mvuto pulled him up as soon as they rounded the corner of a building, "you know why I gagged you?"

"was it Brian?"

"no, I gave Brian that shirt to show that I bought it for him as a gift so my parents wouldn't guess that I wear it."

"it was you?!"

"and you will not mention it to anyone, not even your mum, is that clear!"

"why the hush?"

"I'm using that shirt as a target for the wrong type of people to hunt. They might think to use some poor unfortunate victim as bait to lure me out instead. You don't want that happening, do you?"

"funnno!" Carlton whispered earnestly, "what ff... game are you playing?"

"I'm tidying up my house for the arrival of guests."

"Stop talking in riddles!" Carlton scratched his head in confusion.

"but it is true! I am inviting other deities to this town!"

"what ... what are you saying? Other..."

"did you think there was just me?"

"shit! Really! there are... so will I get to see one?"

"you've already met one other than me."

"who? Your cousin? Who'd believe that? She doesn't look godlike to me!"

"was I wasting my breath explaining what Zuri means to me?" Mvuto walked off in a huff towards the sports ground. Challenge accepted, Carlton followed to continue berating Mvuto with questions.

"Why doesn't she at least try?"

"then Zuri would be noticed by everyone we don't want to notice us!"

"why on the low? Why aren't you changing the world?"

"this again! I have been, Carlton. But... the mindset of some humans negated my efforts. Progress has been very slow. The slower it is, the less noticeable it becomes. Gradual progress is less shocking to the secular and less likely the words 'burn the witch!' will be chanted by a mob frightened by sudden technological progress. On this planet, humans outnumber the gods. We are in the minority, and you should already know how the minority are treated. It's the same no matter what the era!"

"like two steps forward, one step back", Carlton recalled his mother's often said complaint.

"yes, something like that". The pair arrived at the field to choose a sport to start practising, "I can't decide on what to toss first... ball, disc or giant toothpick", Mvuto hummed.

"and I can't get my head around you being so old to have actually heard 'burn the witch'!" Carlton whispered low enough the other athletes couldn't hear.

"here to put in your usual half-arsed efforts again, Mvuto?" Harris asked drolly, knowing now who he was indeed talking to.

Indignant, "I refute your disparaging accusations and challenge you to a duel!"

"quit poncing around and just throw something!" Harris demanded.

"I have to choose my weapon first! What do you recommend, Carlton?"

"the giant toothpick for a quick kill", Carlton advised.

"brat!" Harris feigned a back-hander directed at Carlton.

"you have chosen wisely. So who's going first?"

"you. Age before beauty" Harris gestured for Mvuto to step up to the mark.

"well, then what's the best distance?"

"don't anyone tell him!" Harris gestured for the others to remain silent. "Let's see how far he will throw without knowing."

"you really are quite vexing."

"aw boohoo, cut the theatrics and throw!"

"Is this how you hold it?" Mvuto asked obtusely.

"you know exactly how! Now throw the damn thing!"

"fine!" Mvuto casually but expertly threw the javelin.

Harris walked up to Mvuto "see that red marker that's the record for the school."

"shit! Well ...aah, I suppose that means I win. Yay for me!"

"Mvuto! I would like a word with you!" Harris's dad, the athletics coach, witnessed Mvuto's throw.

"Harris! You set me up!"

Harris smiled wickedly, "he keeps nagging me about you. Time you dealt with it."

"tsk poor you", Carlton uselessly empathised with Mvuto.

Mvuto could detect a hint of sarcasm "what! Has he been biting at your heels too!?"

"and Brian's!"

"ah, so that's why he's hiding."


"crap! ...Coming, dear!"

the other boys laughed at Mvuto's expense.

The entire time the athletics coach informed Mvuto of the school's expectations of its students, Mvuto felt like sticking fingers in his ears and chanting "lalalalalah".

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