Chapter 71 - it's a privilege

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Meanwhile, the prospective mothers had time on their hands to dedicate to nesting, just like Mvuto. Those descendants of the goddess were out and about after hours enjoying the local nightlife of alfresco dining and beer gardens with an eye out for any problems. They rarely strolled alone. Sisters met and conferred to discuss imperative matters of microscopic biology. All deities had their forte in the microscopic world, each specialised in manipulating some form of atomic-sized life and/or element. To counter-play, Mvuto represented anti-matter, immune to whatever the deities could summon. What's more, Mvuto could also negate their actions if he had the time and vigilance to respond.

Whereas daughters of the goddess were extroverts, Elixir's daughters typically remained indoors, keeping each other company, out of the licentious grasp of their progenitor. Often beating him or other men off with a stick or lawsuit, whichever was the most effective or instant. Hence these daughters of Elixir excelled in weaponised self-defence. However, since they were no longer protecting themselves chemically from pregnancies, they sought shelter and protection from the daughters of the goddess.

The sudden influx of monied women seeking lodgings pushed out of the precinct or just onto the streets, tenants on the edge of poverty. Those with addictions moved closer to their dealers, those with gang affiliations, who had heard the whispers through the grapevine of impending doom, moved underground. Eventually, the source followed their clientele off home turf, destitute of income. Their usual contacts in Blackmarket commerce suddenly became too frail to function, constantly suffering some form of microbial contagion. Vacated jobs in legitimate after-hours industries suddenly had plenty of attractive, strong and savvy women to fill them. Once the dust had settled, new immigrants moved into town with their extended families. Very soon, all properties within the precinct were occupied, prices boomed, assets shifted ownership before they even hit the market.

The mayor finally cottoned on to the swing in civic dynamics when he received letters from his new constituents. Starting with a trickle until their persistence drove him crazy enough to grant their wishes as soon as he heard there were issues regarding pot-holes, up-grades to the park, sidewalks and street-lighting, especially to the mobile phone and fibre-optic network. Public council meetings also took a weird turn, with the majority present of like-minded women on a mission.

With the local economy flourishing, even new up-market shop proprietors felt brave enough to venture out into the previously ignored suburb.

The now peaceful precinct left few challenges for Mvuto, much to his relief. Consequently, his schooling progressed smoother than he expected it would happen so soon after his debut. Well, progress was as smooth as fate would allow. The PE teacher, Harris Wheeler's father, would not let Mvuto rest on his laurels. Heckled by both men, Mvuto often hid during those PE lessons. Even the poetically inspired notes Mvuto left on the teacher's desk were ignored -


Whilst I achieve, I look around and

see others oppressed.

as I accomplish,

I see others who try and fail.

Am I better than them?

Mvuto's slaves often joked about the chase but kept it amongst themselves, seeing as how the subject of sports was such a bone of contention.

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