chapter 91 - gamble wisely

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Glossing over the relatively tame weekly reports, Chief suddenly did a double-take on a report from the night-shift staff. A call out to a newly finished construction site regarding a security issue that even the security company, hired to keep the site under surveillance, felt the need for back-up. The conclusion was that the freshly installed business systems were running their own tests overnight and inadvertently set off the motion-detecting alarms, and no one could get in to turn them off.

'wait a minute! How can a 'business system' set off movement detecting alarms?' Chief was perplexed, calling in the officer who wrote the report, for clarification.

The fellow reiterated he was informed directly from the security officer making the call to the owners.

"so the cameras were moving, and that's what set off the alarms?"

"correct... it's in my report."

"But you didn't mention if you actually saw them move."

"We couldn't see in unless the lights flicked on, and it was like being at a wild light show, the blue security lights were signalling, the fire alarm lights too. But no sound... crazy..." he shook his head, still incredulous at what he had witnessed that night.

Curiosity got the better of him. Chief dropped everything to drive himself to the location of the incident in the report. Parking his unmarked vehicle opposite in a loading zone for another business, Chief peered up at the dark smooth glassy block surrounded in lush gardens, with randomly placed flat mushroom top tables supposedly for diners to stand around rather than sit. However, to comfortably see to the very top of the building chief needed to step out onto the kerb. Looking up again, he noted only 2 of the floors had their lights on, but there was no movement in the windows to indicate people were inside. Highly aware of his surroundings, particularly while in public, Chief caught in his periphery the presence of someone out of the ordinary approaching the building. He quickly turned to face the reflecting glass of the building he was standing in front of and pretended to be texting on his mobile while glancing sideways at the reflection of the street, imperceptibly he thought. Mvuto proved him wrong. Although his glasses had darkened, it became apparent to Chief Allure was looking directly at him and smiling.

'he recognises me!? There's no one else near my location! Unless he's checking out his own reflection...!? No?! So how the fuck does he know me?!' Chief's mind was racing while Mvuto kept walking until he stepped into the open doorway of the very building under surveillance. Chief's eyes trailed up from the now closed door to the top of the building. The eerie words of the female POI echoing in his mind, "it is enclosed space, safe from intruders, a protective box no one can enter without his permission. He is very good at this."

Chief looked again at the location of the door and realised if it hadn't opened for Mvuto, there was no other indication it was an entrance. The business signs, indicating a lab within the building, were on the corners and above the driveway to the basement, blocked by strict security measures.

Chief raced back to base to research the business name 'Abstergent Labs'.

"it's an IVF clinic?! How the hell is he connected to IVF?!" Chief browsed his notes from the interview with the female POI and found at the very end mention of a list of women wanting Allure's baby. "Shit! So that's how he's going to accomplish it!" If there are no formal complaints, there was nothing the police could do about this. Chief asked himself, 'what would be the outcome of this happening? A world with a sudden increase in the number of prodigies? What's wrong with that? But if Allure passed on his abilities... if they were genetic? Which begs the question - what are his parents like? They weren't on police radar. That could only mean they were just normal law-abiding human citizens....most importantly, do they even know what their son is up to?' At a crossroad, Chief concluded he could only confirm if he actually asked them. 'Frank followed Allure home from school. Where is the record of the phone-in complaint?' Chief searched complaint records for the date. 'Ugh! It's a private number! Hang on! Did he give his name?' Chief replayed the call. hearing the name, he clipped it into a loop. "Sirisi? How the hell do you spell that?" Chief scratched his head. Into the search box, Chief slowly entered the name the way he would spell it. And began with a million unrelated hits until he reached the last letter and was left with an ulterior option – a paid ad for Siri-si Architecture. However, the address was only an email and phone number. Making another attempt, he retyped the name, but with a hyphen and this time, he tapped all the papers accepted into a journal on child psychology, specifically regarding prodigies.

'woohoo! I've hit the jackpot!'

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