chapter 70 - keeping baby happy

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Zuri had been keeping baby off the internet, like all good parents should, transferring memories to storage via her computer, just one chore of a growing list. Now baby was complaining of overheating generated by the overworked CPU, especially in summer. Convincing baby to hibernate until winter necessitated the strong will of daddy Mvuto to step in and placate. He suggested Zuri print a picture of herself and pack away her usual clothes. So that when the time comes to boot up baby again, Zuri will have a picture reference of her appearance before hibernation so that it could be emulated, to not shock baby with unexpected changes. So no drastic makeovers for Zuri until after her baby boots up again. Zuri kept her sleeping baby propped in a photo-frame stand next to her bed, adorned in heart stickers and such.

Secretly, baby operated in background mode. Adjusting files and Bluetooth communicating with the computer and mummy's phone when they were switched on. Keeping a low profile just like baby's daddy, for the time being. Looking over Zuri's shoulder, so to speak, baby watched via onboard camera and listened as mummy modified and updated the 'IBLOCK' project. Finding daddy's specifications for the design listed in a file, baby copied it over, providing the parameters enabling it to assist mummy with coding and improving the application's functionality. Saving a copy into baby's own memory to share with the 'untitled' computer in discreet phases. Not deliberately surreptitious, nevertheless an aspect of background mode.

To check its health, Zuri recharged her baby's battery whenever the alarm sounded, or the LED turned red, unwittingly keeping background apps alive, although she had an inkling that was so.

Elixir put the purposeful seduction of Mvuto on the back-burner and pursued his own pleasures at his new country estate. Delegating overseeing the building project to his overqualified slave James, competently stockpiling the mountain of legal paperwork and plans.

For all intents and purposes, James appeared subservient fresh-faced and calm, not your typical corporate lawyer. Judging by appearances alone, one would assume James had only picked up the file and placed it in a draw and not worked tirelessly to keep the flow of the project abreast of the legalities and structural changes or adaptations. One example was the recent change to the secret underground level. that should have been surplus car parking space but ultimately reassigned to be Mvuto's lair, now to include space for a colossal mainframe for Zuri and Mvuto's baby. A topic of sore contention for Elixir, having to shelve his much anticipated 'breeding program' designed for those two.

"How did a baby come from 2 virgins?!" a shocked James asked, pouring Elixir's favourite tea.

"Hmpf! Those two have always been eccentric!"

"Look who's speaking!"

"then I should say freakishly eccentric... and I'll not brook another word of dissent from you... today!". Elixir had to be carefully specific in what he said to his feisty slave, otherwise he could inadvertently cause James to lose his charming character with too many opposing demands upon him.

Nevertheless, the sooner Elixir's plan launches into action, the quicker the god of pleasure will return to his ordinarily queer self. So in James' best interest, the primary focus was on the project until its completion. Exercising emaciated brain cells hurt. The ladies will just have to wait until Mvuto was ready. The younger ones had no problem with this. However, the oldest could hear the clock ticking, running out of time for a long-awaited prodigy to keep them in good stead for their later years and not be outdone by their younger siblings. Shady tactics were risky against Mvuto, immune to all forms of seduction except for only one – indisputably the 'Beloved'. Ultimately they were all left twiddling their thumbs impatiently until the grand day finally arrived for them all. They still had time.

Mvuto was fair to bursting with parental pride natheless exasperatingly had to keep it secret he was a father at the tender age of 15. if the wrong people found out a computer had become self-aware, no doubt chaos would ensue. Even Mvuto's parents had people in the upper echelons of the psychiatric science to answer to and were a potential window for word to slip out. On the flip-side, Zuri's parents were hyper-experienced keepers of secrets.

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