chapter 83 - there's a legitimate reason!

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"No need for extra cleaning service, just call our usual cleaners and tell them to wear PPE while cleaning the interview room. They will likely keep the gear on to finish off cleaning this place anyway," sarge advised chief.

"so you know something about controlling a contagion?"

"yeah, wash your hands, don't touch your face, basically"

"really? You saw the footage of the hostage incident. Explain to me how the gunman was infected and not the woman behind the counter?"

"she only briefly touched hands. He most likely groped other parts. Afterwards, the hostage probably disinfected her hands with gear from the ambulance before she touched anything else."

"that's a good observation", Chief pumped out a gob of gel into his palm, "I hope this stuff works too".

"even aftershave with alcohol as an ingredient is good."

"you're starting the sound like an ad."

Sarge pulled open the outer loo door for Chief to exit first.

In his office typing up notes from the interview, Chief struggled to wrap his head around all of what was revealed by the interviewee. Demons and gods, 'daughters of the goddess', their POI is building a 'nest' etc and last but definitely not the least disturbing was their agenda – breed with Allure. He isn't even ripe enough to fall off a tree! Poor boy likely knows he's been targeted by these women. Is it any wonder he has, as yet, not done the deed? Being a good dad at any age is a huge responsibility, but so young.... and all those women, practically a busload of eager carbon-copies! Wait! Why the hell am I feeling sorry for him?!



"the night shift has arrived!"

"Why don't I hear your footsteps anymore!?"

"I invested in some orthotics to ease my back pain. Haven't you noticed I no longer walk with a limp?"

"do me a favour and invest in some taps as well! My heart can't take any more shocks in one day!"

Sarge smiled, "I'll figure something out".

"Good! Meeting conference stat!"

During the assemblage, staff were informed to not remove the police tape crossing the interview room doorway. And to top it all off, they were reminded to be vigilant with their PPE and personal hygiene before heading out, still under orders to not make physical contact with anyone who looks like the woman in the pics Chief had already issued to them. Meanwhile, heavily armed cleaners were ushered in to tackle the interview room, as the transitory lockdown for dispatch was rescinded too.


"the last thing he asked was 'why am I... and my sisters in town?' I told him the truth, once we have what we come for, we will leave. No more tummy problems except perhaps morning sickness for us."

"Seriously, was that necessary?" Mvuto asked.

"why else would so many ripe, juicy womens be in one town if not chasing the D? other excuse is not plausible!" daughter of the goddess jested.

"sometimes ...I don't know who's side you're on!" Mvuto sighed.

"it is my agenda that I share with my sisters."

"all this is throwing our schedule out of wack!"

"it is shame age limits are too high in this country. It complicates matters!"

"mm, I wonder why nothing has happened here yet? I expect the road to at least be filled with my 'fans' by now..." Mvuto peered out his bedroom window to the street expecting it to be blocked by PV's and frantic blueys.

"maybe it is because they know we meet occasionally. Everyone appears to be wearing masks and gloves at police station. They do not even touch me... that is a good thing, no?"

"yes, indeed. Hmm, I will need to fast forward hiding my parents. That place you suggested..."

"not me, my sister perhaps?"

"mm well, it's a goer, but once my parents are out of the country, I will likely be living on school campus until construction is completed."

"you cannot stay with us?"

"legally, no"

"drat! This country's laws so annoying!" daughter of the goddess passionately complained into her phone at Mvuto.

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