chapter 54 - snippets

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"Mvuto! Just before the holidays, my treatise on how to raise a prodigy was downloaded more than it's ever been. Is that your fault?"

"Need you ask?" Mvuto sat at the dining table opposite his dad, being served dinner by mum.

"hmm, did something happen at school that we are not aware of?"

"I thought I was behaving like a normal student, not trying to be too conspicuous. Perhaps the teachers searched our last name and found your papers."

"Perhaps, but a large group of downloads in one day outnumber the teachers at your school!"

"could be a coincidence. You know how random possibilities can amalgamate by chance."

"I am aware of the meaning of coincidence!" dad gave Mvuto a withering look. "could it have something to do with your involvement with your building design project?"

"hmm, Mr Devi did mention he had a large family... how many downloaded?"

"over 200"

"whoa! That number caught me by surprise! What day was that?"

dad stated the date and appended the time when the downloads peaked.

"ah! that was about the time I officially took up the project. Mr Devi must have a huge extended family!"

"he must also be very impressed with your talents!" dad smiled warmly.

Mvuto recalled all that intrusive sniffing Elixir did, "I can only agree with you, dad".


"so, how are your fu..." On the day before the school year kicked off, Rowan started on Brian as soon as he returned home and put his feet up in the lounge room.

"don't you dare call them FB's!" Brian jumped on his taunting bro seated beside him.

"...friends with benefits?" feigning innocence.

"that's not what it sounded like you were about to say!" Brian admonished.

"steady on! Is the boy going back to your school this year?"


"it's none of anyone else's business. but be aware there is always some nutter who will make it their business!"

"I know."

"first year of senior... now it will get tough. Teachers and the curriculum will expect you to be able to express yourself eloquently on paper, at least. Keep Mvuto close. You're gonna need tutoring."

"Thanks for your faith!"

"I do have faith in you ... it's just that it's increased since Mvuto woke you.


At the beauty clinic the following day, every part of Mariana's body felt excessively sensitive. Standing up from her seat, she grabbed the reception desk for support for a moment before she recovered and ushered a client into the 'scream room' for waxing.

Sharing the kettle in the kitchen "must be quite a challenge being the woman in a threesome?" Shana asked sympathetically, seeing her friend was suffering the consequences.

Mariana exhaled through pursed lips, "not always, sometimes I'm left out", the relationship between Mariana and Shana is as thick as thieves, with no secrets between them. "One time, I caught Juan on top of Brian plotting ways to attack my rear too!" Mariana waved her fist in anger.

"there's lube for that", Shana misread.


at the end of the second week of school's first term -

"Whoa! That's weird!" Juan exclaimed at the end of lunch break while studying with Mvuto serenading his friends on the freshly tuned harp.

"What is?" Brian asked.

"I got through my homework already!"

"did you check your answers?"

"of course!"

"good for you, buddy!" Brian ruffled Juan's hair affectionately.

"Are you coming home this weekend?"

"I want to, but I've already used up all my pay."

Juan pouted.

"don't be like that! I see you more often than my ugly-arsed bro!"

"what about Mariana?"

"I'll never stop thinking about her, but she probably needs a bit of rest, Juan. She works too and a lot harder than we do!"

Having experienced work-life shoulder-to-shoulder with his cousin, Juan nodded, totes agreeing with Brian.

What was seen in the scream room could not be unseen.


That evening after school at the bus stop, Brian saw off Juan on his ride home. Harris gave Juan a sideways glance as he walked past the seated student. 'Now I'm gonna get asked some dumb questions that are gonna be expected to be answered, fuck it! It's all your fault, you little fudge puncher!' Harris' inner voice said not out loud.

Harris sat amongst expectant looks and pre-emptively blurted out, "it's just the two of them who are gay... not a gay club!" through gritted teeth. The others in his gang opened their mouths to catch flies, halted by Harris' hand "no questions... don't even talk about it!".

Harris Wheeler, was as rough around the edges as his father.

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