chapter 6 - oo behave!

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It wasn't long before swimming lessons were added into school diaries, including the inter-house swimming carnival at a later date, inclement weather permitting. In the lead up to the carnival, House teams were evenly selected from the distribution of students according to age but not physical size or strength. So the team that Mvuto was on seemed a little lop-sided like they had the added advantage of a giant. Clothed in skin-tight thigh-length professional swimwear for the trials only exacerbated Mvuto's size differentiation, especially his broad shoulders and slim tapering waist. Little Carlton, in his baggy boardies, feeling very intimidated, avoided commenting and, above all else, eye contact. The bold female staff, on the other hand... not so much. Brian continued to pretend he couldn't swim.

"that time of the month, Brian?"

"fuck off", he mumbled so the nearest teacher couldn't hear, hiding the birdy on the lee-side of his body so only the antagonists (past friends) could see it. The actual problem was his gangsta tattoos, illegal for anyone under 18yo, but his bro knew an indebted friend with tattoo gear and clean needles, so why the hell not.

In the carnival publication that followed soon after the annual swimming event, many a parent pointed out the 'ringer' receiving gold for the butterfly and the medley relay in a team of shorter swimmers. Mvuto knelt sideways in front of the other team members for the photoshoot, not just to mask his height.

Speaking of which, Brian mentioned in passing that although the shed they visited was pitch black, Mvuto's pearly whites stood out predominately. So during a random rec break, Mvuto searched online for masks, particularly a matt black one and, as a side thought, a sleeveless drawstring hoodie for ease of movement; to protect his ears during flight and to be able to tie the hem to his waist. He chose a black hoodie with "off duty" emblazoned in bold white on both sides. The items were delivered the next day to Brian's home, otherwise, questions will be asked... as indeed they were. Mvuto explained the expenditure as a gift to a friend. Fortunately, the purchase was listed in the intermediary monetary transfer account under the generic title of 'clothing'. Thus, the expense was minimal and not worth disputing.

Mvuto tried stretching his luck by asking his parents during dinner if he could sleep over at his friend's place.

"not without a word from us first!" dad demanded.

"invite him over for afternoon tea on the weekend", mum offered hurriedly.

"is he from your class?"


"same year?"


"then what year?"


"what! How old is he?"


"doesn't he have friends his own age to hang out with?"

"they turned on him".

"oh, that's sad", mum sympathised.

"why?" dad demanded.

"Maybe he thinks I'm a better friend than them, and they were deeply offended."

"you're deliberately being vague! I'm the one who's now offended!"

"you could ask him yourself".

"I will, so expect it!"

To conclude, "it's a date then?" mum innocently asked.


Deliberately in front of Carlton, Mvuto invited Brian over for afternoon tea.

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