chapter 39 - going for broke 18+

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The long-awaited weekend arrived, and that aforementioned bucket of condoms was pounced on like a box of chocolates at a convention for hungry, lonely people. Served along with the succulent wrapped dildo hors d'oeuvres as a live buzzy side dish. The place reeked of sex, smouldering latex and for dessert, mouth-watering chocolate crème.

"I'm not a sticky mud cake!" Juan cried, struggling at the shirt-ties binding his wrists to the bedhead.

"Yes, you are, just accept it, mmm deelish", Brian and Mariana smeared choc goo on all Juan's delicate bits for them to lick and suck.

"sticky... choco... Juan, mmm," Mariana sighed as she licked his choc-dipped dick.

Brian caressed the smooth skin of poor Juan's ticklish ribs, waist and hip, forcing him to writhe and turn towards Mariana, exposing his rear to Brian. A big strong hand lifted Juan's leg behind the knee to allow Brian's throbbing cock to poke its head between his legs. Mariana now had two to contend with but preferred to focus on chocolaty 'little Juan'. She directed Brian's cock into Juan's exploited hole anew.

Brian saluted Mariana, "mm yeah, thank you!" thrusting gently, rocking his body, alleviating the burden of strain for Mariana. "is it your birthday again? So much attention!" Brian whispered huskily into Juan's ear.

"it's... it's too much! ahhk," he panted, sensations overwhelming ecstasy.

Brian's mind snapped, increasing his tempo to a crescendo. Spotting a hazard, Mariana removed Juan's cock from her mouth to avoid a neck injury. But still kept her grip on his parrying sword until both lads groaned, their bodies quivering in the throws of sweet death. Finally, Mariana released Juan's bindings, dropping his aching arms. "ahhh! I'm never trusting you two again! That was cruel!" Juan admonished.

"you say that, but..."

Becoming a common occurrence, Juan and Brian had their typical post-coitus argument. Peering into her hand-mirror, Mariana used wet-wipes vigorously to clean her face. The menage et trois was in her bedroom after all.

"I mean it this time!" Juan cried futilely.


Mvuto had strewn across his bedroom floor design boards for the interior along with the floor plans for each level for his building project. Walking the path between the boards, Mvuto contemplated the décor for each specific branch of the business. An entire floor was devoted to Elixir's flashy clinic and medical lab. A colour palette conducive to sterile lab conditions, a palette so lit, Mvuto felt he needed sunglasses, in sharp contrast to the décor on his floor. Mvuto's new bed appeared as if it was carved out of a clump of oyster mushrooms. Intentionally designed professionally for acoustic softening, sound-proofing, and reducing echo in such a cavernous room. To the side as the backdrop for a moss and mushroom garden, a rock wall seeded with moss in the grout lines illuminated by the sun dispersed by mirrors and misting. On the upper levels were residences for employees only. At the top, an open level for expanding into, but initially designed to just house cabling, electronics and main-frame. Mvuto had yet to acquire Zuri's input for the décor of that floor. The only input Mvuto had from his cousin at present was her wish to have a high-tech workstation/coding pod installed with the most comfortable seating on the market. The actual picture representing her idea seemed to look like an angry scorpion from a distance.

The reception, waiting lounge, conference room, gym and catering facilities were on the ground floor with a covered outdoor eating area. All furnished with futuristic fixtures and fittings, subject to change as trends will do.

"it's the messiest I've ever seen his room", mum complained.

"Just how did he get the job of the project manager of an entire building fit-out? Replying to a job application doesn't normally result in immediate employment without a prior interview!"

"didn't he do it via online video chat?"

"yes, but not actually face to face! did no one ask where a 14yo got his ideas from?"

"I wish we had a recording of the interview", mum wistfully mentioned.

"ditto! There's something fishy going on. I just know it!"

"maybe the motive was the expense of designing would be less if they had a free consultant?"

Mvuto descended the stairs to join his parents for dinner, overhearing the conversation, "hey dad, guess who the architect is?"

Dad blinked, "noh! Serious?"

"what! your brother?!" mum was as shocked as her husband.

"yes, you can keep that under your hat, right?"

"of course! I wouldn't want him ruining your big project by dropping the ball! But don't you need to collaborate with your uncle on the design process?"

"yes, it will be through the trustee company purchasing the site. I'm not of legal age to be involved in business dealings yet."

"who's your contact?" dad enquired.

"Elixir Devi"

"what's he like?" mum asked

"ah-ha... it is difficult to describe someone I've just met and only for brief discussions. He seems very amicable though", this was as much of the truth Mvuto dared to mention.

"what are the terms of our agreement?" Mvuto asked, meeting with Elixir online to discuss a vital topic.

"I need your sperm."


"to pass on your brilliant genes to my descendants."

"Again, why?"

"you're alive at last! I wish to take advantage of this once in a thousand millennia opportunity to breed you into my family! would you believe it if I told you the number of women visiting my fertility clinics who want only gifted sons?"

"is that due to coercion?"

"mostly, but also ego, the ratio is about 50:50, also a rise in status, besides a well-situated dotage."

"what about race? They may want the child to at least look something like a biological member of the family."

"only a small percentage are that fussy, and they should just stay out of the gene pool anyway."

"I'm not legal age, Elixir!"

"my girls won't close their legs for that reason alone. So how about it? I've procured property out of town, and my equipment is due to arrive in the next couple of weeks. Once they're set up, I'm good to go."

"you were referring to donation rather than sex, right?"

"mmm, okay," Elixir seemed too disappointed.

"Just what kind of equipment are you waiting on?!"

"b...breeding equipment."

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