chapter 30 - Juan's 16th the naughty bits (part 1) 18+

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There was something concerning Mvuto that irritated Brian for the rest of the week. And that was 'the repeated question'.

"There isn't anything you want to ask me about Juan's cousin Mariana?" Mvuto persisted in entreating for the nth time.

"no, I haven't thought of anything yet. I'm still busy with exams, damn it!"

Between exams, Mvuto asked again, "what about now?"


At the urinal without Juan present, which was odd in itself, "now?"

Brian growled, "no!" breaking the flow and threatening to piss on Mvuto.

Studying after school in the library with Mvuto tutoring, "still too soon?"

"argh! Okay, tell me, and it had better be good!"

"Nup! in this game, you have to ask me the questions."

Brian wanted to slap him upside the head. Nevertheless, being in the library wasn't the only restriction.

"Okay, what is there about her that you've noticed?" Brian finally asked.

"be more specific."

Brian growled, "how does she dress?", he already knew how old she was and how tall, but there was little else forthcoming from Juan of her. There were too many questions to ask. Brian was just hoping to go with the flow and let time eventually answer them.

"her bazzoombas are pushed so high up they support her chin."


Mvuto indicated chest protrusions with his cupped hands. "they look like liquid about to spill out!"

"uhuh.... and what about her hair?"

"curly, dark cut straight an inch above her shoulders."

"Does she look like Juan?"

"ah! There's the question I've been waiting for! I'll answer it this way – if Juan wore a dress..."

"you're kidding me?"

"they're practically twins except for the haircut!"

"but she's older than him!"

"so! She's not ancient!"

"did she come onto you?"

"no! Definitely not!"

"so, are there any more questions I should be asking?"

"not asking me, but yourself."

"I'm not gay!"

"question, statement or controversy?" when Brian made like he was about to pack up and leave. "Mariana will be asking the next question, and if you don't answer it correctly, it's no cake for you!"

"I suspect you know what she will be asking?" Brian postulated.

Mvuto shrugged, "when you see her, you will know how to answer."

That night, Mvuto's seeding of Brian's mind sprouted into a sticky wet dream. Envisioning making out with the image of Mariana that Mvuto had portrayed of her suddenly morphed into a crossdressing Juan, waking Brian in fright. Worse still, Brian couldn't help but frequently picture Juan in a dress for the rest of the week. Ultimately feeling so aroused, he deemed it necessary to tug one off every morning in the lead up to the visit.

Finally, at the D'Silva residence, a chill of expectation coursed up Brian's spine. Juan opened the front door to find Mariana blocking the entry. Like the mythical sphinx, she asked a dire question, "so ... you are my Juan's boyfriend?"

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