chapter 98 - objection overruled

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Zuri checked the specs on the souvenirs and found one not quite what she was looking for but displayed potential. Only newly breaking into the international market, the manufacturers had branched out of their country of origin. Not limiting itself to a few spec items, the agency also received a commission for selling merch from other producers. Meaning, the finished items were produced at a different factory from where their parts were made.

Zuri typed up the specs she was seeking, requesting if a prototype could be made. The return email stated mass-producing the prototype was not economically sound as there was no infrastructure to support it anywhere on the globe. Zuri countered with a request to send samples of the parts she would need to build it herself.

Soon after Zuri received a large postal box from her parents when they visited, as they often did for lunch, after picking it up along their way past dispatch, situated in the carpark.  Baby would even join in on their conversation.

Dumping the tech parts from the box all over her inordinately sized bed, Zuri reluctantly dragged herself away to honour the presence of her parents. Although their conversation was pleasant, there remained an undercurrent of trepidation. Keeping her parents a safe distance from Elixir's overpowering sexuality and his beguiling daughters and clients.

If any of the ladies bedded on the premises for the duration of implantation, then meals were ported up for them, for Zuri's sake, by the mysterious looking pair of heavily cloaked women who were now in Mvuto's employ since his return from O/S. Only their eyes were visible, their feminine shape hidden. Their only differentiating feature were the flower motifs on their shoulders to identify who was whom.

"is that the new work uniform?" mum asked Zuri.

"yes and no, it's still in the development stage", Zuri ad-libbed.

"why do they need to hide? Is it religion...?"

"No no! They're just.... ah... really shy".

"Speaking of which... how about we go shopping for suits now you're in business?" mum eagerly suggested.

"you can't keep wearing the same dress we bought you for the opening ceremony!" dad indelicately pointed out.


"what are all these!" Mvuto asked, curiously peeking into a bag abandoned on the office desk.

"clothes my parents thought looked good on me. They would look even better on fire."

"don't you like them?"

"I look like a bush pig in a ball gown when I wear them!"

"hmm, what you need is a make-over ... I know just the shop you should visit."

Mvuto phoned ahead.


"I don't like the idea of exposing myself in front of strangers!" Zuri complained.

"they're all women here..."

"that one isn't!" Zuri directed Mvuto's attention to 'Juanita' who on school holiday's was again interning with his cousin Mariana in the beauty shop.

"sh, not so loud!" Mvuto begged.

The shopgirls would have ordinarily shuttled Zuri from one beauty station to another on a seamless time-saving production line from beginning to end, if not for Zuri's unique needs. The occasional ripping sounds and squeaks from other clients in the private rooms didn't just raise Zuri's hair on end.

"OMG!" Mariana gasped at her own image in the mirror. Unfettered filaments waving like tendrils in the wind stemming from what was once her meticulously coifed hair.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous," the blushing Zuri explained.

Mvuto carefully brushed Mariana's and Zuri's hair down with his hand, "we may have to book exclusive use instead".

Mariana was quick to apologise, "I'm sorry, but I don't have a free day for the next 2 weeks", knowing her schedule by rote.

"wow! you must be quite talented... have you ever thought of breaking out on your own?"

"I would miss my friends! And I would hate to be in competition with them!"

"not in the location I'm thinking of."

Soon thereafter, Mariana set sail on her maiden voyage, along with her second mate, Juanita, to establish her very own beauty establishment in the unhallowed halls of Abstergent Lab.


"What's this?" Elixir waved a paper copy of a proposal put forward to James, on an extra services requisition form, in front of Mvuto's face the next time he visited the lab to make a deposit.

"I offered a job to a slave..."

"a beautician?" Elixir pointed out.

"yeah... a personal beautician... for Zuri... you know, for manicures, pedicures... body hair removal..."

Whack! James bludgeoned Mvuto with a rolled-up porno, "bad Mvuto! Stop teasing your uncle! You know very well if not for you, he would be breeding her like a sex-crazed parasite!"

"I think she might object!" Mvuto retorted.

"that's enough, James... please don't embarrass me in front of my nephew",  utterly mortified Elixir groaned.

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