chapter 94 - the cleanup

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Mum and dad eventually returned to the yurt to see the welcoming beaming face of their son.

"I killed a goat. Dinner will be ready just as soon as you are!"

gobsmacked, mum stood gaping while dad played cool, "rather you than me".

Under the guise of cooking dinner for his parents, Mvuto had sacrificed a baby goat to cover up the stubborn residual funky scent of baby-making still fogging up the yurt.

Mum looked up at the strange additional piece of roofing and, to her horror, recognised it as the goatskin of her favourite, spread out to dry in the sun.

"George! You killed little George!"

"I did not know you had named him", blundered Mvuto.

"why little George?!" mum squealed in distress.

"he was male and a bully to the others", Mvuto dug himself a deeper hole.

Mum sissy slapped her son a few times before storming off into the yurt, refusing to speak to either man for the rest of the day. The following day they didn't have much luck communicating with her then either.

Long before Mvuto's parents returned to the yurt, the pair of little ninja backpackers had scurried home to their father, sorry not sorry they had interrupted Mvuto's vacay. Blatantly obvious to Mvuto he had been set up. However, he turned the tables on their plans to seduce him. Instead, the opposite had occurred, but even failure may have also been part of the plan. A win-win scenario for Elixir, he would not have risked his daughters otherwise.


'This is the house... it's empty, though...' The movement alarm siren abruptly goes off, and Chief nearly shits himself. Curious neighbours stick their noses out windows and doors. Only the closest neighbour proved brave enough to come out swinging a metal baseball bat.

"whataya doin'?!" he demands.

Chief quickly whips out his ID to wave at the neighbour. "police officer... following an intruder to this location .... the lights are out ... is there anyone living here?" Chief shouted.

"step out to the kerb... then the alarm will stop!" the neighbour shouted back.

Chief did as he was advised, and true enough, the alarm stopped. Then, reiterating his excuse to the neighbour, Chief asked again where the residents were.

"they're on hol's overseas somewheres I cunna pronounce..."

Chief paled, 'O/S!'

"Are they coming back soon?"

"Yep, just the school holidays... they be back."

Chief inwardly sighed with relief, "nothing unusual happened while they've been gone?"

"Nar... it's real quiet ... too quiet! All we hears is bats at night. So yer must be doin' ya job right?" The friendly gent winked at the Chief as he slammed the bat into his palm to indicate what Chief could only speculate.

"don't worry bout thissin, taint no one gonna dare break in. its a smart alarm... watch" the gent tossed his bat into his neighbour's yard. "see nutt'n happens... now watch", he wandered up to the bat, stalling for a moment for the alarm to trigger and was rewarded with a blip. "see ... it knows what i'm upta!"

"but it didn't go off for me until I stood at the door!" Chief queried.

"maybe it wanted a good look at yer face before it chased ya off" he shrugged.

"Are you sure no one is home?"

"Nah, feh real thahs none. Saw 'em leave. Apologised in advance if der 'larm bothers me. Tain't de 'larm dat bothers me... it's der f... kids playin' wit it. Tink it's a bleed'n game settin' it off...feel free to come by again an' chase 'em off woodya doas a fava?"

"if I get a chance tomorrow..." Chief bid the man a good evening and left.

The following day Chief did just that.

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