chapter 36 - stepping out of your comfort zone

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Stepping out of the cinema after watching a horror movie, the trio discussed its merits.

"if it wasn't for that damn loud music!" Juan complained.

"oh, so that's why you were curled up with your eyes shut and fingers stuck in your ears, baby?"

Juan pouted and poked his tongue at his cousin.

"I was more horrified by the plot holes", Brian mumbled with distaste.

"and there was enough nudity to call it porn!" Mariana added.

"I guess that's why it was popular when it first came out", Juan yawned.

"is it past your bedtime, baby?"

"yes, can Brian stay tonight too?" Juan asked expectantly.

"if he has money for food."

"bugger! Need more from my bro anyway. I've only got the money on my bus card left!"

"next time you come, bring food, nutritious food. Not junk!"

"yes, mum"

Mariana pinched Brian's ear "if I'm your mum, what does that make you, you pervert!"

"ouch! horny!"


the three found their bus stop and waited, like shags on a rock, exhausted by the long day.

"Hey, Mari! Fancy meeting you here!" a work colleague announced excitedly.

"hey Shana, how's it?" Mariana hugged her friend and kissed her cheek.

"so are you... on a date...?" Shari asked quizzically.

Both boys looked expectantly at Mariana for her answer.

"...with... who exactly?" Shana looked curiously between the lads

'oh no! Shana can read me like a book! She'll see straight through a lie, and it will be worse for me at work if I lie to her but if I told the truth... fuck it! might be worth seeing the look on her face if I'm to disparage my reputation either way.' Mariana took a deep breath. "I'm dating both of them."

"whooooa-hohoho! Knew you were having a dry spell, but I didn't think you would make a come back like this! Seriously?!"

Mariana nodded and looked for support from the boys, who promptly formed a chain linking hands with Mariana.

"I don't believe it!" Shana exclaimed.

'yes!' Mariana confirmed it was worth it to see that look on her face.

their bus arrives none too soon

"time to go! See you at work, Shana!" Mariana boarded the bus with Brian and Juan in tow.

Still stunned, rendered speechless by the revelation, all Shana could muster was a weak, barely discernible wave to Mariana as the bus pulled away.

Brian decanted the bus first to head home, promising to apply for a holiday job to earn money for food. His bro had mentioned a vacancy at the factory worth looking into.

"So how was the party? Didn't get into any trouble, did ya?" Rowan asked with a wink as he pulled the ring off a fresh can of beer. Now he was home, and it was time for Brian's bro to hear the truth.

Brian shrugged "there was only Juan and his cousin Mariana..."

"is she good looking?"

"the spitting image of Juan".

"yeh-ah, but I asked if she was good looking?"

Brian stared daggers at his bro for a moment before considering his answer.

"together... both of them ...sucked my cock til my balls disappeared back into my body, leaving behind just an empty sack of pinched skin." Spoken, looking his bro dead in the eye.

Rowan dropped his slippery can of precious beer.... "fair enough". Retrieving his beer, Rowan took a gulp to wake himself up properly.

"... and we are now officially dating", Brian was sprayed with mouth-wash beer.

Rowan stood very still for a moment, mouth gaping, dribbling spittle and beer, looking like he'd reached a breaking point. Then, after putting the can on the kitchen bench, Rowan wiped his mouth and reached out to encompass Brian in a big hug, "my little bro is all grown up!" Gushing with pride and joy at Brian breaching into manhood in such an epic way.

On the first day of the working week, Mariana entered 'the beautician's boudoir' in her clinician's uniform, ready for a typical day at work. Oh dear no, not if the other ladies had their way.

Before the doors opened for the customers, the rooms were prepped for specific uses according to the day's schedule. One of these rooms was barricaded from Mariana escaping.

"what's this we hear! Are you ditching hos for bros? I'm surprised you can fit us in your busy schedule!" the boss lady initiated the interrogation.

"It wasn't in my plan. I discovered my Juan's boyfriend has ...flexible preferences," Mariana squirmed. She had already informed them of her concerns for Juan's future and his sexual preference a while back.

"in short, he's bi?" the boss made that clear for all.

"perverted and manipulative! Would be more accurate!" Mariana pouted.

"I saw him... he's just a kid like Juan, isn't he?" Shana mentioned.

"they go to the same school, same age..." Mariana explained.

"You told us this weekend was Juan's 16th birthday party!" the boss lady demanded more clarification.

Mariana nodded.

"they're both 16! are you planning on supporting 2 boys on your wage?" stick in the mud boss kept rambling like a granny.

"hell no! Brian lives with his brother, and he's staying there! He's too..."

"too what?"


"in what way?" the boss was concerned with this revelation.

"in a sexual experimental type of way."

"whoa! ...and his brother's phone number is....?" Shana asked for future ref.

"that's the third time you've scratched down there! You didn't catch anything...?" Rowan asked as he imbibed some more.

"fuck off! No! ...I was manscaped!" Brian rebuked.

Rowan took a moment to let that sink in "so ... you're bald?"


Rowan burst out laughing "imagine what the fuck would have happened to ya if ya'd been drunk! ahahaha (etc)"

"probably a lot less", Brian smirked, poking a jab at Rowan's drinking habit.

Rowan saw it, "cheeky bastard!" rubbed his damp hand in Brian's hair as he ducked away from it.

"and I only got you a pizza for your birthday" Rowan looked contrite, "sorry".

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