Chapter Four Falling

Start from the beginning

"Id love to have you show me my classes a bit before lunch is over"

"Alright ill contact you then or you can text me if youd like"

"That sounds great"

I walked to my lunch table where my friends already sat.Irene and Ally already had begun on their lunch but chatted in between bites.I sat down as i opened my bag and put my lunch on the table.

"Hi Vana"

"Hi girls"

"Why are you late today?did you get in trouble again"

"No,its just i made a new friend" i s aid smiling remembering the bright green eyed girl

"Ohhhhh a "friend"

"Yes a friend"

"So,do we know him?"

"No,not really,its just"

"Oh my gosh"Ally squeeled


"I can see it in your eyes"

"What?what about my eyes?"

"Someones in deep shit"

"what no?pshhh im in nothing,yet"

"I knew it you are in love"

"I mean no,im not in love but im crushing so damn hard"

"Wow really Vana that fast?"Iri replied since i had bearly gotten out of a 2 year relationship

"I,i dont know it just happened"

"I thought Ron would be harder to get over"

"I did too but two beautiful green eyes took all my pain away and,"just as i was talking about the girl i was crushing on my phone vibrated.I took my phone out and saw the name of the girl i was talking about.


 "Hey,are you done with lunch?"

"Yeah are you?"

"Yes,i was wondering if you could show me my classes now"

"Yes ofcourse ill meet you by the cafeteria"

"Sounds great"



"Oh what"

"can you not text you were talkiing and left us hanging"

"Im sorry girls i need to leave and go do something"

"What do you need to do?"

"Something important"

"But you havent even finished your lucnh"

"It doesnt matter this is more important" and like that i ran off to the cafeteria rapidly getting to my destination as i met the green eyes again


"Hi,nice to se you again"

"Same here,well heres my schedule"the taller girl said placing the paper inbetween us

"Oh cool i have the next class with you my friend Ally is actually in this class too"

"Wow thats great"

"Yeah,youll love Ally"

"I hope she likes me"

"I dont see how anyone cant like you"

"Oh stop you are too nice"

"Just honest" i said grinning

"Thank you"

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