An Ending.

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*Lucie POV*

"Lucie!" says Remus,getting up from his prech.

"Hey Curls how you doing?" asked Peter,looking up from the floor. Regulus remained in his chair, not knowing what to say.

"Hey guys." I said, leaning into Sirius as he sat up from the bed beside me.

"How you feeling?"asked Prongs.

"Pretty shit."I confessed, Sirius held my hand. James and Peter let out a breathly chuckle."I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but what are you doing here Regulus?" I asked softly, He tensed up and I felt Sirius behind me become rigid with what I assume is anger.

"I um -I came to apologise to you Lucie. I came to say I'm sorry for what happened."He said as calmly as he could but refusing to make eye contact. My brows furrow in confusion, why is Reg apologising? This isn't his fault.

"This wasn't your fault Reg." I said, he finally looked me in the eye. "I know you wouldn't harm someone like that."I soothed and he nodded, a few tears in his eyes.

"But I saw who did push you and I'll go to Dumbledoor today to tell him what happened and Snape and Malfoy can get whats been coming to them for a while." He says confidently, I smile. I swing my legs over the bed and Sirius is by my side, holding my arm, I get up and it feels weird. After all I haven't walked in 5 days.

"Who feels like hunting two snakes?" I asked and Reg chuckled, the rest of the Marauders smiled too. Remus began to fake howl and James joined in, soon we all were. We go a few glares but to be honest none of us gave a fuck, we were all back together and that is that mattered the most.


A few weeks passed and Sirius, Remus, Peter and i were chilling in our dorm. Sirius and I on his bed whilst her was trying to learn how to braid my hair. I don't know why he just asked me if i could teach him. He joked that he would braid Remus's fur on a full moon, to which Remus replied

"I will bite your fucking hand off." And I giggled, Sirius, taking it as a challenge. He had just finished two stunning french braids, which i kissed him for and Peter pretended to throw up when James burts through the door screaming:

"LILY SAID SHE'D GO OUT WITH ME!" He yelled and jumped on Sirius's bed with us still on it. Landing right on Sirius and I, we groaned with pain when Peter jumped on   with Remus sitting on top. We were laughing.

"That's bloody brilliant prongsy. Bloody brilliant." said Sirius from the bottom of the pile on.

"That's great mate, what happened?" I asked, wheezing from the laughter and being slightly crushed.

"Yeah tell us." encouraged Peter.

"Well I was on my way back from the library and she came around a corner with Alice and I just kept walking.  Ad she called my name asking if she could talk to me and I said sure. We stopped in and arch and there was no one else there and she asked if we could go to Hogsmead  this weekend and I said sure, trying to remain calm and she smiled and I kissed her. She actually let me kiss her then I asked her to go out with me and she said yes! She actually said yes. She told me she missed me these few weeks." Said James all in one large breath and we all cheered.

"Thanks for the advice Curls, I dn't she would have said yes if i hadn't of back off first. So thank you." said James as we all got off the bed.

"No worries James, and i didn't do much. It was all your charm." i answered and James beamed proudley. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Hush darling, you'll only fuel his ego." joked Sirius, loud enough for James to hear.

"There is nothing wrong with my ego!" he protested.

"Hey guys look!" said remus from the window, It was chucking it down outside. Absoloutly buckiting down. I doubt you could see 10 feet in front of your face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Peter.

"Fuck yeah!" Sirius James, Remus and I said in complete in utter unision. We all ran out in just the clothes we were wearing into the courtyard. 

Within seconds we were utterly soac=ked through. We danced an sang and chased until our faces were utterly numb and sore from smiling but even then, we staying in the rain, letting it soak us through.

Dancing in the rain with Sirius was the happiest I have ever been, I shoved James and he jumped on Siriu's back for a piggy back ride. We all laughed and we all played tag. 

Only until the rain ceased did we go back inside and dried off, all of us had a mug of hot chocolate from the kitchens. We were huddled on the one sofa infront of the fire in the common room, all of us wrapped in knitted jumpers and woolen blankets, simply just a tangle of limbs. Lily came on joined us and sat with james, Sirius tucked a piece of wet hair behind my ear that had strayed from the braids he gave me and i looked up at him, pecking him on the lips. and nuzzled into his warm shoulder.

"I love you, please never leave me." I heard him whisper.

"I would never, ever leave you Sirius. Ever." And I kept that promise. 



Thats the end of this story, I hope you all enjoyed it. Pls vote and comment if you have any questions or ideas for a possible future. I have other stories in the making do feel free to stay and read a few of those. 


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