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Christmas came as quickly as the boys ability to make me smile. Which was very fast.

We all sat around the tree and smiled. A bright, warm feeling of light and laughter flooding all the rooms in the Potter's house.

All the marauders exchanged gifts.

I gave Sirius a leather jacket that i had caught him admiring in the villiage and a note book because he liked to journal. I gave Remus a stack of chocolate, and I mean a lot. and Some of my own copies of my favourite books that I know he will love. I gave Peter a warm winter jumper and some sweets from Honeydukes. And for James, I picked up some pranking supplies, hair gel and some sweets.

From the boys i recieved, gratefully. Books and a necklace with a cresent moon on it. I smiled at the present because now i knew what the moon meant for Remus. James gave me some fuzzy socks and a dagger which is bloody brilliant. It's sheath was a Gryffindor red and I love it. Peter gave me sweets and some perfume which smells incredible.

"Here Curls." said Sirius from beside me, he handed me two wrapped things. I unwrapped the first and it was one of his hoodies, one i stole regularly and adored.

"Sirius are you sure?" I asked through a smile. He smiled back.

"Positive love." he replied and I hugged him, he chuckled into my hair. I began to open the second and It was a book but not just any book. It was an album, i gave him a confused but exited look and he smiled. I opened it and it was filled with pictures. Of us, all of us. They were both photographs and sketches of me, James, Peter, Remus and Sirius. He had draw these himself?

"Sirius it's beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you." I exclaimed and I hugged him even tighter. He chuckled again and I felt butterflies form in my stomach.

"It's not the only beautiful thing in this room." he whispered and I blushed, hard.

"Yes I know I'm beautiful Paddy, no need to remind me." Retorted James and Sirius and I exchanged a smirk whilst Peter, Remus and James burst out laughing.


"Oi! That's cheating Pads!" yelled Remus, merely seconds after being struck right in the face with a snowball so his nose was a pink colour from the cold.

"Did you write the rules?!" replied James with a grin.

"There are no rules of course!" I yelled.

"Thank you!" yelled James.

After opening gifts, we all trailed outside and snow lined the woodland by the house. We all began a snowball fight. Sirius and I had teamed up but don't tell the others that.

"I nailed Peter in the back of the head.

"Nice one Lucie!" exclaimed Sirius. I laughed when he got James in the forehead.

"This seemed kind of one sided don't ya think?" said Peter and all three of the boys looked to where Sirius and I stood.

"It's doesn't have to be." stated Remus and both boys looked at James who already had a snow ball in hand." Without another word Sirius and I turned and Bolted from the garden and past a couple of trees.

"Come on Padfoot!" I said over my shoulder and he chuckled. We stopped behind a large tree trunk and our bodies pressed lightly together, trying to catch our breath. I faced his chest.

"Bloody hell." he breathed into my hair, trying to catch his breath. I clamped my hand over his mouth, he looked a little surprised but that turned into a smirk under my hand, though he did nothing to remove it from his lips.

We heard the other Marauders pass the tree.

"Where the bloody hell did they go?" said James, I smiled at Sirius.

"Maybe they circled back to the house?" questioned Pete.

"We would have seen them surely." replied Remus. James sighed in frustration and Peter chuckled.

"They teamed up for sure." said Peter.

"There is no doubt about it." muttered Remus. I was about to let out a snicker but Sirius placed his hand over my mouth to cover the sound. Now we stood pressed against each other with my hand over his mouth and his over mine. Shit, why is my heart beating so fast?! Why?!!

We heard Remus, James and Peter footsteps head back to the house. Sirius and I released a breath. Sirius pulled away from my hand, taking his away from my face but then used it to tuck a strand of hair out of my face. I WAS DEFINITELY BLUSHING AT THIS POINT. But I smiled and jumped to ruffle my hand through his dark hair, we both laughed but it stopped when we made direct eye contact.

His eyes were so beautiful, you could tell they had seen a lot because they were so deep. A deep stormy grey that told no lies. Only the truth.

"Lucie.." He whispered and I cut him off... I stood on tip toes and pressed my lips gently on his and pulled away just as quick. I looked back at him but he had no expression. Shit. Why did i just do that? I just kissed one of my best friends. What the hell?!

"I'm- Shit, Sirius I'm sorry. I-" but this time he cut me off by placing two fingers on the tip of my chin, lifting my face to his gaze.

"It's alright love." he smirked and I swear to god. My heart stopped. He put his soft lips on mine and he tasted sweet as his tongue broke into my mouth, deepening in the kiss. His hands skimmed my waist, trailing down my hip and he positioned my back against the tree, pinning me against the wood. We eventually had to pull away for breath. He leaned down and pressed his forehead on mine and we panted with smiles.

"Sirius..." I breathed.

"I love it when you say my name." he spoke openly, I blushed, kissing him again.

"Sirius." I whispered again.

"Yes love?" he teased and I cupped my hand on his jaw, forcing him to look at me.

"I- I think I might like you..." I paused, "A lot." I finished and looked down at my feet. He brought my eyes to his.

"I think I might like you too Lucie. A lot." he replied and I smiled. He did too.



So it finally happened... Sorry if it seemed a bit rush but idk. Pls vote and stay safe, thank you for reading :)))

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