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After an hour or two of dancing and singing, i think it was about an hour? I don't really know because the time blurred together. We weren't that drunk but it was all so much fun. These were the best friends i could ever ask for. 

We all sat ourselves across the mattresses, drinking glasses of water.  Out of the corner of my eye i could see Sirius and Remus talking quickly to each other, Remus appeared conflicted. I raised an eyebrow. I leaned across the bed and rested my head on Sirius's lap and they stopped talking. But i heard Sirius say:

"You don't have to mate, it's your call but i think she should know. It will be alright Moony." he whispered. Padfoot looked down at me and i saw a smile flash across his face, i returned the gesture. 

"'Ello Curls." said Sirius and I looked at him, then Remus, who avoided eye contact.

"What are you two gossiping about? Spill please, i'm all ears." I said and Sirius looked at Remus. the boy let out a sigh and I sat up. Remus wasn't one to stress about anything, except exams, so i knew this was serious. I propped myself up against the wall behind me creating a sort of circle of the 5 of us. Remus got up and sat the other side of me so the order was: Sirius, Me, Remus, James, Peter.  I looked up at his face and he looked almost sad. why was Moony sad? James and Peter stopped their conversation and looked at Remus and I, Sirius did the same, as if they knew what he was going to say. 

"Lucie, errr... We have to ask you something..." Said Moony and my brows furrowed together, I looked at the boys around us and they had the same seriousness about their faces.

"Go for it Moony." I said and Remus looked me dead in the eye.

"What do you think about Werewolves?" he asked and my brows dropped. Something clicked in my head. Shit. The nickname Moony finally made sense. 

"Remus." I put my hand on his, "My dear child.... Werewolves are beautiful creatures, some interpret them as deadly, which the are. But that makes them all the more special, because beneath the cms of fur is a human. Just like you and me. And he is a beautiful human, he reads books and gets drunk with his friends, he had a mild.... No, obsessive chocolate addiction and that is a fact. He is a beautiful human being and my friend and he means so much to me." Looked at the people around me and they are looking back at me like: 'OMG' but i continued, "Even though he leaves school once a month and comes back looking like he hasn't slept in weeks. HE is a beautiful fucking human being." I finished and took another swig of my glass of water.

"Wait What?!" said Peter.

"You knew?!" Exclaimed James.

"Why didn't you say anything?" asked Sirius. I looked at Remus who remained silent.

"I've only just figured it out. And it's okay Remus." I soothed, and he looked at me.

"Your not scared of me?" he whispered and I pulled him into the biggest hug i could muster.

"Of course not! You are still the same person Moony. I'm happy you told me." I said and He hugged me back then let go. "Hagrid taught me all about Werewolves, always found them really interesting. I could never be afraid of you, ya big softie." I chuckled and Remus grinned and so did the other boys at my words. We all turned back the circle we made in Jame's bedroom. 

"I want to tell you guys something." I blurted, and it was true, i did. Moony had given me the courage to tell the boys what happened when i was 10.

"Sure Curls what is it? Is it your crush? Did you steal my quiditch jumper? that went missing a few days ago." James mumbled and I showed a small smile. then looked down at my hands, picking at a pick pf skin at the side of my nail. I began to draw blood. Sirius leaned over and put his hand over my own.

"Are you alright love? You can tell us anything you know." he comforted and i nodded. 

"When i was 10 i lived in the country side, in the muggle world with my family. i had parents and a younger brother." I began and they fell silent, listening. Peter cleared his throat.

"Curls you don't have to tell us anything you don't wan to." He said.

"Don't feel like you have to share because I told you what i am." Added Remus and I looked up.

"It's alright. I want to tell you." They nodded and let me continue. "My brother was called Leo and he was 3 years younger than me. He was a little trouble maker, he would have loved you guys." I chuckled at the though. It's true he would have loved the Marauders.

"He and I used to play in the woodland by the side of our house. The woods itself was pretty deep and we never went to far. I tied pieces of rope around specific trees so that Leo would know how far to go without getting lost." I resumed picking at my nail. "One morning Leo and I went out but we weren't alone. There were three me standing by the tree with the rope tied around it. I never saw their faces but they were tall. All of them. Dressed in dark cloaks that had hoods that draped over their faces. They had wands. I told Leo to run and he did as he was told. He was only 7 at the time but he was fast. I was certain at the time he would be safe. But the men followed him. They never even gave me a second glance. I yelled at them to leave him alone and i ran to them but they we as quick as Leo. One of them cast a spell that flung me back into a tree and I blacked out." a tear slipped down my face. "When I woke up the sun was setting and i ran home as fast as i could. I ran into the living room and my family was all on the floor, breathing, alive, but covered in their own blood. They had been beaten and were bruised. The men walked back into the room and i screamed at them to stop but they tied me to a chair and made me face my family. They used the Cruciartis curse. They screamed and screamed and I begged them to stop but they didn't listen. None of them did and we were too far out the country for anyone to hear us. They never fucking touched me. No a scratch but they continued to torture my family for two days. My baby brother. My parents. They never talked, no words came out, only yells of pain and grief. I remember screaming until I couldn't breathe.

As the two days ended, they untied me and- and- i-" I sobbed and Sirius pulled me into his chest, the other boys cocooned around me and i felt warm and safe.

"Shhh... Your okay Curls. Your okay." Whispered Pad.

"You're safe here love." said James and i kept my head leaning against Sirius's chest but the tears just stopped.

"they untied me and used the Imperius curse. They gave me wand and I man came to my ear. i couldn't move. He whispered words into my ear and I repeated them allowed. The house was flooded with a bright green light and after that the men left, taking the wand. Not a word, or an instruction, they left out of the front door and shut it behind them. I was released from the spell and I looked at my family. They were still on the floor like they had been for so many hours but their was one difference. They weren't breathing. I collapsed to the floor and i stayed in the house with their bodies for another three days. I just couldn't move had even if i could i didn't want to leave them. I killed my family. Dumbledore found me on the 4th day and he convinced me to go stay with Hagrid. I killed my family, they are gone and they are never coming back." I finished and I felt all the people around me stare at me. But all i did was stay in Sirius's arms, against his chest, his beating heart against my ear and stare at the floor.


I'm sorry i haven't been very active lately but here we learn about Lucie's past, i hope you like iy but if not dont worry, thank you for reading and pls vote. Stay safe:))

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