Forgiving my Animals.

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My sences came back in pieces. Hearing first.

"Do you have any sevens Wormtail?" That was definitely James.

"Damn it, James. How are you so freaking good at Go fish?" and that was Peter.

I opened my eyes to see four chracters sitting at either side of the bed I was currently in. I could see Peter and James playing cards with Sirius standing behind Peter, holding up seven fingers. Peter was oblivious to the cheating that was occuring. Remus was sat on the other side with a book on his lap, he looked like he was contemplating whether to tell Peter or not.

I turned my head to Remus. "Are you going to tell Peter or shall I?" He put his book down and his face lit up with a smile.

"How are you doing love?" he asked. I tried sitting up but he put a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down. "No, No, No." he muttered to me, "You need rest and plenty of it." he said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning sunshine." said Sirius. I smiled.

"How much do you remember?" asked James, concerned.

I looked at him confused, then the memories hit me like a truck. The boys were animagi, they tricked her into getting me to talk about my past. Secrets. I had followed them. The monster, the fight. I had killed it. Oh my god i had killed it. My chest felt tight and sadness flodded my head. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at them. A tear escaped my eye and one of them brushed it away. I didn't open them.

"How long have I been in here?" i whispered, trying not to cry, even though i could feel the tears burning in my throat.

"Five days." said Peter, noticing my change in tone. He knew i had figured it out. The others continued to be happy.

"Lucie you saved Peter and I from that thing. Thank you. Why are you crying?" Remus blurted out. I still couldn't open my eyes.

"James, Sirius and Peter are you or are you not animagi?" I asked quietly. No one answered, I took that as a yes. "James and Sirius, did you or did you not visit me in animagi form to get me to tell you things about myself,knowing very well i wouldn't have told you if you had asked me in person?" I said in a flat tone. I opened my eyes to see James looking at his feet, Peter shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Remus and Sirius, making eye contact.

"Lucie we never, ever ment for you to get hurt like this. " Sirius walked over to my side, i was still lying down with my eyes watering. "You saved Remus and Peter, we will forever be greatful for that more than you will ever know." he said. I sat up. Wincing but refusing to show them.

"How did you find me after I ran." my voice almost breaking from the pain in my chest and the tears in my throat.

"Well, you were hurt pretty bad so you didn't manage to get that far before you collapsed. Sirius found you within the next hour of you running off. He called us and we all brought you here. That was as we said...was 5 days ago. If we're being completely honest here we all took turns keeping you company. Nurse predicted you would wake up withing the next few days so we all stayed. Remus and I are meant to be in potions right now. Peter and Sirius in a Herbology class." said James. Finally looking at me.

I said nothing.

"Lucie please try to understand that we are unimaginably sorry, from the day we met you, we have caused you nothing but trouble. We have no excuses for being gits. You were simply a question we couldn't find the answer to and it bothered us. We pryed and poked at you but then we took it to far and you got hurt. We regret ever putting you in this position and we totally understand if you wish to never even look at us again." said Remus and he seemed to mean every single word. I looked at Peter, James and Sirius and they all seemed to be nodding.

I threw back the covers of the hospital bed and Remus offered me a hand. I took it. He helped me up and I hugged him. The rest of the boys joined Remus and I in this embrace and for the first time since I was 10. I felt safe.

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