A Homely Touch.

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The five of us stood on Platform 9 and 3/4, clutching our luggage as we waited for James's parents. Remus had told me on the train that they were lovely people, which I had no doubt but the thing is and I'm sure the boys would agree, my people skills are as useful as pot plant in the drivers seat of a bus.

"James!"  yelled a voice from behind us. We all spun in unison to see a couple standing there. A grin ran across James's face and a similar one appeared on the couples' faces. James's ran to them and hugged them both at once. We came over and I stayed to the back of the pack, hidden behind Sirius. After the couple greeted Peter and Remus and taken their luggage. I heard James's dad's voice.

"Sirius, how are you son? come here." Sirius moved forward and hugged the man. Leaving me exposed.

"And who is this?" The James's mother said to James. her eyes widened as if she was surprised to see the boys had a female friend.

"Oh mum this is Lucie. I told you in the last letter I sent that she would be coming." explained James's to his mother.

"Yes of course. I remember, hello Lucie. It's nice to meet you." she said warmly pulling me into a hug which surprised me.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Potter. Thank you so much for letting me stay. I'm aware it was short notice but-" I was cut off.

"Oh no dear, no need to thank us. You are more than welcome here at any break in school. And please, call me Euphemia. " she smiled at me and I returned it. I shook Mr Potters hand and with that we were off to the home of the Potters.


Once we were all settled and the four mattresses were displayed neatly on James' bedroom floor, Which weren't going to stay neat for long, Sirius was rumaging through his bag for something. 

"Padfoot, what are you looking for?" i asked, patience has never been my strongest point. At that moment he laughed and yanked out a bottle of fire whiskey, a big bottle at that.

"Bloody hell mate!" laughed Remus from his matres. 

"Brilliant Padfoot, mum and dad are visiting are visiting a friends house tonight and knowing them they'll probably stay the night. We've got the house all to ourselves until early tomorrow afternoon." James explained with a grin plastered on his face. "So i nicked these from my dad, he won't notice a few gone missing. " James walks over to the side of his bed and pulls a blanket off the corner of a crate, to reveal beers.

"What is it with you guys and getting drunk?" i asked sighing, "I'm not complaining though." and they all returned my smile. 


After an hour of his parents absence, i followed Sirius to Jame's kitchen and he made his way to a record player? Cool. It began to play and he spun on his heels to face me. We were meant to be getting some more glasses for some more drinks but we were both a little tipsy so getting distracted was unavoidable. Especially if it were by music.

He made his way to where i  was and stood behind me. Sirius wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground and i let out a small shriek of laughter and laughed some more. After putting me down, I stood to face him and he looked down at me. Literally, why is he so tall compared to me? I was what? 5'4? 5'5? but he just looked at me and cupped the side of my face, His eyes were a dark stormy grey, they were beautiful. He was beautiful.

 I could actually hear the music. Queen, oh i love this song, I remember Hagrid bringing me some records once... This was without a doubt my favourite. Without giving the moment we shared another thought, i will worry about that when i'm sober, Padfoot and I began to dance and scream the words.

"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? 

So you think you can love me and leave me to die?

Oh, baby,

Can't do this to me baby

Just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of here." 

We yelled and my face ached from my smile, at some point, James, Remus and Pete came downstairs and we all danced there. In Jame's kitchen and living room. Standing on chairs and doing our best not to break anything. Sirius twirled me round and we screamed the words. Hoped Jame's didn't have any neighbours and if he did... hopefully they were deaf (ya know what i mean). But that moment is one of the best i think i will ever have. 


Hello, sorry i haven't updated in a while but here we are. stay safe :)))

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