Bullied by a Hat

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After composing herself, Lucie looked up and saw Hagrid hearding a load of first years towards the boats. Lucie ran up to him an he turned and smiled at her.

"How was the train?" he asked, looking down at her.

"Horrible. Absolutely terrible. Never make me do that again." she was dripping with sarcasm but she was partially telling the truth.

"Are you gonna go to sorting? The fourth years are leaving, so it's now or never. No pressure." he added but that only made her feel more pressure. 'ironic.' she thought.

Lucie turned her head and saw the four boys she had shared a train compartment with. James and Remus were both looking at her, expressionless. Just staring. She turned to Hagrid and flashed a grin, which she didn't do often. At that moment Lucie realised that she wasnt going to let those boys get even close to finding out her secrets. No matter how hard they tried they wouldn't break her because there was noting left in her head that wasn't already shattered.

"I'll catch you later." she said and ran to catch a carriage which she did in the nick of time. Hagrid just smiled at her.

"Hey. I'm Lucie." Lucie said breathless, as she swung into a seat in the carriage. There were four other people in the carriage. A ginger with an endless smile. A brooding male teen next to her with black hair. Lucie was sittling next to a pale girl with long dark hair and on the other side of here was another girl, blonde hair just above the shoulder, pretty.

"Hello, I'm Alice." said the dark haired girl. Lucie and Alice exchanged smiles.

"Hey, I'm Marlene." said the girl on Alice's other side.

"I'm Lilly and this is Severus." Lilly said grinning and Severus Just nodded. Suddenly something clicked in Lucies mind.

"Lilly? Lilly Evans?" asked Lucie, she was wondering if this was the same girl James was throwing himself at.

"Yeah, how did you know that? Have we met before?" said Lilly curiously looking at Lucie.

"I was in a compartment with James Potter." That seemed to explain a lot for Lilly and she dropped the conversation easily. 'This seems that it happens a lot to her.' thought Lucie.

"I punched him in the jaw." The girls and severus looked at her..."he was being a git." she added and they all laughed, even Severus. He laughed for the longest and it was a good feeling. Making someone else happy.

They continued to chat as they went up to the castle. All of them were in Gryfindoor apart from Severus who was a slytherin, the green suited him if Lucie was completly honest.


The Marauders sat at their normal seats at the Gryfindoor table and watched as the first years faces contorted to various expressions. At the back where the new commers. People joining year groups also had to be sorted, so they followed after the first years.

Thats when they spotted her, Lucie, she was also gazing up at the moving ceiling in wonder. Remus looked at James who clenched his jaw in anger or frustration. But suddenly his own face contorted in pain because of the bruise forming on him jaw line. Sirius smiled at his friends and whisper-laughed.

"She got you good prongs." Remus and peter let out a low chuckle. James just rolled his eyes and they all returned their attention to Lucie who was about to be sorted into her house.


The hat was placed on Lucies head which was quick to realise there was someone esle in her head.

'Can they hear us?' she thought.

'No they cannot,' the voice replied. ' Miss Lucie Fenton, would you consider yourelf: brave, kind, smart or cunning?' the voice echoed.

'Well, it all depend on who I'm with, where I am or what the situation requires, I dont believe that we should all be categorized into specific groups telling us we have to be one thing and not another.' she stated in her mind, still a calm look displayed on her face for everyone to see.

'I see' the hat said 'so on the train earlier this afternoon, you felt the need to protect someone or something from the grasp of Mr James Potter, is that why you hit him?'the voice asked.

'I hit him because he made me angry and they thought they was entitled to my secrets.' Lucie was trying to remain calm but her anger was flaming in her chest.

'and what are those secrets?' the hat asked but it already knew because they could see inside her head. it wanted her to be brave and admit it.

'w-why is that relevent to the situation? why am i even here?' Lucie was panicking.

'you are here because you chose to be. now what secrets could be so precious for you to lose yourself in anger? and have the bravery to hit Mr Potter.' the hat pushed 'why do you have all this guilt inside, tell me.'

'no' she thought.

'You wish you could have left with them because living without them isn't living at all. You feel imense guilt and loss, you are afraid to attach to someone that they will leave you under the same circumstances as your....... family.' It finished 'oh, my dear I am so sorry'

"I killed them." Lucie whispered aloud. Staring at a fixed spot on the floor.

"GRYFFINDOOR" the hat yelled. and the table with red banner erupted in cheers.

Lucie lifted her head and showed no emotion on her face. They would of had to be within a meter to hear what she had said and no one was that close. Lucie rose and sat at the applauding table. A few seats over fromthe Marauders.


The Marauders watched her as they saw words escape her mouth.


Peter leaned over to Remus once the cheering had settled,

"Moony did you hear what she said?" he asked

"She definitly said something." agreed Sirius.

" I don't know but I dont think it was good, just look at her, she looks miserable." Remus stated. They all peered at the girl. Perched on the edge of her seat. Staring at her empty plate. occationaly taking a sip of water.

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