Cards and Coffee. With some Alcohol

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Lucie's POV

The five of us stood outside Hagrids door, looking at the figure in the doorway.

"Hello childeren. If it isn't Misters Lupin, Petigrew, Black, Potter and Miss Fenton, a little late to be up i should think. I believe Proffesor Mogonagal was looking for you five, was she not?" he said in a calm tone.

"Good evening Proffesor." Said the boys in unison. As if they had caught past curfew many times before. Lucie didn't doubt that they had. After all the group wasn't know for their subtlty. Dumbledoor looked at Lucie then.

"We...err.. maybe. We sort of fled before we could find out sir." confessed Sirius behind Lucie.  'How did he know Mogonagal ws looking for us?' thought Lucie, looking at the man infront of her. As if dumbledoor had read her thought, he looked directly at her and smiled.

"And how are you adjusting to school life Miss Fenton? Is it everything you hoped it would be?" he questioned.

"Well...If i'm completely honest sir, i'm not entirerly sure what my expectations were of the school prior to being enrolled." Lucie confessed, looking at her shoes.

"I see. Well I can see you are in good company. I shall not take up any more of your time." He made his way down the steps, beside the childeren as as they were going to make their wasy in he turned and said.

"I won't tell Proffersor Mogonagal I saw you if you return the favour." he was looking at Lucie and she just nodded. they made their way in.


"That was odd." stated Remus as they walked in.

"Hagrid!" shouted Lucie before any of the boys could respond to Remus. They all looked over and saw Lucie hugging the man ifront of a lit fire. Nice and warm. They seemed suprised that she knew Hagrid so well. The Marauders slowly made their way deeper in the room.

"I'm sorry we kind of let ourselves inand ya know... ran into Dumbledoor..." said Lucie with a grin spread on her face. Lucie hadn't seen her friend in a few weeks, her free time was consumed by sleep and homework. Or hanging out with the boys at the library.

"Nonsence Lucie, I'm always happy to see you. Where have you been all this time?" he chuckled.

"Oh ya know, secrets, teen drama, near death expirience, making friends, causing havoc and chaos. and worst of all..." She paused for dramatic effect. "Potions...." Lucie pretended to shudder. She was joking of course. She was actually rather good at potions. Everything else was fairly true. But Hagrid didn't know that. He just laughed some more. "We were kind of hoping we could seek shelter for an hour or two we are ind of fugatives right now." she confessed. Hagrid looked a her,confused.

"What do you mean 'We'?" Lucie chuckled under her breath. Hagrid saw movement out of the corner of his eye. he looked up to see four teenage boy,awkwardly placed near the doorway. He smiled and so did they.

After formal introductions the five teenagers sat round Hagrids table and began to play a game of Go Fish. Hagris had made them some coffee but it was far too strong. Lucie kind of liked it that because she had been drinking it that way as long as she had know coffee existed. Hagrid sat down at a place by the fire and within 10 minutes he was asleep. As soon as Lucie knew he wasn't waking up anytime soon she stood on the sideboard, prying through a high cuboard. All the boys turned to look at her, wondering what she was looking for. Suddenly she found it. Lucie pulled out a bottle of beer infront of her and began to inspect it infront of her.

"Hagrid you angel." she laughed, "I've only been gone a few weeks and he still gets them for me." She laughed a little more and jumped down from the side board. Three bottles in hand then climbed up to grab two more.

"Jesus Lucie you're bloody brilliant." Muttered James as he opened his bottle.

"Thanks Curls." said Sirus.

"Well I couldn't drink it all myself. I mean I could try but I don't think it would end very well for anyone." Said Lucie dealing everyone some more cards. Hours passed and the night was filled with horrible jokes from James, sarcastic comments, laughter and smiles. They were all fairly tipsy but not one of them cared. It was a friday night and no one knew what time it was. There had been multiple accusations of cheating. As per usual in card games.

"I am not cheating!" protested James.

"You so are, Curls and I just saw you hide an ace up your sleave. Didn't we Lucie." Said Peter smiling through the whole sentence.

"Busted Prongs." Said Moony, trying to keep a straight face. Sirius burst out laughing as he saw the look of fake hurt on Jame's face. to a sober person it wouldn't have been all that funny but no one was sober. No one was incredibly drunk and the only side affect in the morning would be a subtle head ache but that was it. Lucie got up fromher seat and walked over to the fire place, prodded it and added another log. she stood up and looked at the clock. It read just gone two in the morning. 'Damn we've been playing for hours.' she said, smiling inside and out.

Lucie walked over to a cuboard beside the sofa and pulled out a very large blanket and placed it over Hagrid, who was still softly snoring.


hello evryone so i wrote this all in one with the next chapter but it was freakishly long so i decided to split it into two chapters. Just to let you know light is shown on Lucies past in the Next chapter. But how much?????????

thank you for reading and pls fell free to vote. :))

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