Hunting Gone Wrong

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Lucie's POV

As soon as i reached the forest floor i slung the bow off over my shoulder into my hand. The wood pressed against my skin felt normal, it moulded against the shape of my hand and I trusted it.

I came out from behind the oak to see a large black dog,no collar, facing away from me and in another direction. It turned. And Displaed on its face was an expression that I interpreted as 'oh shit'.

The dog looked at me eyes and I made the foolish mistake of looking back. The dog looked familiar as if they ment me no harm. It wasn't vicious or aggressive but it seemed frighted at the sudden threat I posed. It seemed to be observing my movement, contemplating if they should run. Though it didn't move, not even flinch. I couldn't kill it. I sighed in defeat pulling the arrow away from the boe and back in it's pouch.


Sirius's POV

My heartbeat was deafening in my ears. This girl who looked so fragile, who had punched James in the face, who pulled pranks and made us laugh, who put us to bed when we were unable. Now had to make a choice.... That could end my life. I had an option to return to human form but then she might become suspicious of Peter, James. Especially Remus, when she realises he misses class once a month. I couldn't show her we were animagi because it wasn't my secret to tell, it wouldn't be fair on the boys.

She looked at my eyes and she sighed. Putting the arrow away I released a breath I didnt know I had been holding.

"You are such an idiot you know." Lucie muttered. I didn't know if she was talking to me or herself. "I could have killed you, you're so stubborn. Like me." she added that last part with a giggle.

I relaxed and moved closer to her leg and nuzzled my head against her knee. I had to pretend that I didn't know what she was saying because other wise she would become suspicious that I wasn't a random stray. She continued talking.

"Wow first I try to kill you and now I'm talking to you." She sighed and sat down at the base of a tree,i joined her. Sitting to her left. " I know this seems a bit weird and i know you can't understand me but. Its hard leaving, I mean I've lived y myself for two years and now I'm moving into a dorm room." Lucie gave a big sigh and rested her head back against the tree. Should I leave? I don't know whether I should stay and listen. I know that if she knew it was me she probably would have fired the arrow.

"I'm just not sure I'm ready for.... people. I mean i'll admit, the James, Remus, Sirius and Peter are fun to mess with and I am sorry for punching James but he pushed to far. I will never tell them what I did. Or Lilly, Marlene and Alice. They would never look at me again the same way." I could tell this was dark stuff for her and a tone of guilt lined her voice. clearly audible. I rested my head against her thigh and she let out a suppressed laugh.

"Yeah yeah,you're just a big softie with pretty eyes." she said getting up and slinging the bow over her shoulder, and she scratched my ears. She said I had pretty eyes, I am so telling the boys that.

"Now i want you to do me a favour and run as far as you can away from here, it's going to get dark soon. And there are creatures with far less humanity then i've scraped together. Okay." She asked, she got up and turned around. Not looking back, I ran back to hogwarts.

Standing on the steps outside the door leading back into the building. I turned and a distance away I saw Lucie with a bag over her shoulder. Coming out of the Forest.

Who was this girl and where the hell did she come from?


What will Sirius tell the Marauders and what will they uncover?

thank you for reading

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