Causing Havoc.

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It had been a few weeks since the incident in the woods. As soon as Lucie returned to her dorm room she was attcked with hugs from her best friends. Lilly, Alice and Marlene had been worried sick since they had heard Lucie had 'fallen down a flight of stairs.' Honestly, in that moment Lucie felt like their teenage daughter. But she was glad to be back with the people she loved.

Life had returned to normal but Lucie was flooded with the school work she had missed whilst uncontious. Luckily, the Maurauders offered to help her and every night since she had gotten out of the hospital from after dinner until late into the night they helped her in the Gryffindor common room and library to study. Sometimes cause havoc. Tonight James had fufilled his idea of playing dominoes with as many books as he could in the libabry, he was so happy that he had lived the idea he had that day on the train. The day Lucie met the boys.

They books lined majority of the large surface area of the floor. Remus had cast a charm that allowed confetti to fall once all the books were over and as if on cue. Who should walk in but Magonagal. The five childeren cheered but bolted as soon as they noticed the cold stare fastly approaching where they were stood.

Turning a corner out of the libabry and into a large corner they all ran for dear life. Laughter cheerful yells echoing the deserted hall ways. It was late evening and past curfew. But Remus, Lucie, Sirius, James and Peter just ran and ran and ran. Lucie didn't know where they were going but she didn't care.

The stopped finally and all five of them broke into a heavy breath.

"Shit Prongs, that was awesome mate." Said Sirius after he got his breath back. James had a look of pride on his face.

"Bloody brilliant." Exclaimed Remus maybe a little to loudly,  Peter and Lucie laughed. Just then we heard approaching footsteps. Most likely Mogonal, hot on their trail. Lucie tapped James on the shoulder and motioned for them all to follow her. They did and snuck out a side door.

Lucie let out a large sigh and took in the night sky, so dark but just incredible. Letting the cold air fill her lungs. The boys followed her out of the door and stood beside her, looking up at the sky.

"Lets go to Hagrids, hes always up at this hour." She said looking out to the well lit hut just down the hill.

"How do you know that?" Asked Sirius looking at her, she turned her head to look up at him. Lucie hadn't told the boys of her life before Hogwarts. They hadn't asked since the before she was injured. Lucie didn't know if it was because they were respectful of her privacy or if they were afraid to ask. She would tell them her whole past soon. Lucie knew she would because over these past few weeks she'd grown so close to all of them. She just needed time to figure out what exactly she would..... well what she would say. It was complicated and tricky to explain without completely breaking down for Lucie.

"Do you doubt my knowledge Padfoot?" He looked down at her with a smirk.

"Never, Curls." He said. The Marauders had explained to Lucie the nicknames but Lucie will admit, she doesn't know what 'Moony' had  to do with Remus, after all she thought he was human.

'Curls' was a nickname that Sirius had come up with a few days ago because of her blonde curly hair that framed her head. And it only seemed fair she received a nickname too.

They all stood in a line outside the door in which they had just come out of. It was in order: James, Lucie, Sirius, Peter and Remus. Out of the corner of her eye Lucie saw James face make a grin for the millionth time that evening. Not wanting to wait another second she shot forward, racing into the dark. Watching th lights of the hut growing closer. The laughter of her and her friends all around them.

Lucie looked toward her to see the rough outline of Remus Lupin they both cracked a grin and they huffed for air. Lucie was quick, Remus was quicker. The both reached the hut and looked back at the others. Laughing softely as the others joined them.

"Damn i thought you and Prongs were the athletes." Teased Remus as he placed a hand on Sirius's shoulder as Sirius put his hands on his knees. Bending over.

"It's not our -fault you and Lucie can run a - bloody -marathon Moony." Whined James inbetween breaths. Peter then appeard at James side. Also grinning and panting.

Lucie looked at the four people infront of her and smiled. Lucie had probably spent more time smiling and laughing in the past few weeks then she probably ever had with her own family from what she could remember. That thought made her frown a bit. And Remus noticed her slightly out of place expression. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Are you alright there love? Thought we lost you there for a sec." He said, breath back to normal.

"Never." She said and her smile returned to her face. Lucie turned to Hagrids door. Lifting my hand to knock like she had thousands of times before. The door suddenly swung open to reveal no one other then. Albus Dumbledoor.

'Busted.' Lucie thought to herself and she heard James let out a sigh and said quietly.

"Damn" Well said Prongs, well said.

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