Dog with a Hangover

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I've decided to switch between 1st person (pov's) and 3rd person so I will specify when that will happen. Thank you :)


Lucies POV

After leaving Breakfast, I grabbed her jacket from my our dorm room and told Lilly, Alice and Marlene I was going exploring around the castle and wouldn't be back until later that evening. They all simpy nodded and Lilly and Marelene continued stacking books on the shelf and Alice was folding her uniform, neatly, ready for tomorrow.

I subtly exited the castle and made my way in the general direction of the Forbiden Forest. The air had a slight chill in it as the Autumn air consumed the body heat I did have. It was roughly 10 am so everyone was busy preping for the school day starting tomorrow. I thought it would be easy to slip away into the wood with no one seeing me go. And i was right.

The forest was exactly as I left it, leaves turning a tinge of orange and begining to fall. I climbed up to my home and glathered the things I would need for the upcoming year. All the neccesities for a dorm room. A few of my favourite books, and the clothes for the weekend. I didn't need much and if I forgot anything I could always come and get it. I just wanted to be sure because I didn't know how many times I could slip out of the castle before someone noticed or followed me.

I placed the carrier bag I kept undermy bed and placed everything neatly inside it, then placed it by the hatch. I looked over from the bag and saw my weapons, a bow and arrows and a dagger that I left leaned against the wall. I mean... i had a wand but when i first came to live with Hagrid i learned to defend myself and how to hunt for food. I sighed and convinced myself that one last hunting trip wouldn't hurt. I had hours until anyone became worried i was missing. Sitting up, i grabbed my bow and made my way down the tree.


Sirius POV

I got up from the breakfast table, shortly after Lucie. My head still throbing from the alcohol last night.

"Where are you going Padfoot?" asked Peter, looking up at me.

"Gonna go for a walk, I need to shake this headache." I said, shaking my head

"Is our poor Paddy not feeling well?" teased James even though he looked as bad as I felt.

"Shut it." I said letting a small chuckle escape my lips, still shaking my head.

"Love you to Paddy." shouted Remus after me as I turned on my heal and made my way to the door.

I made my way outside and saw a small figure, slip its way between the trees. heading in the general direction of the Forbiden forest. I squinted to try and see the person better but they slipped out of view. I made my way to the edge of the wood and allowed myself into dog form. That way i was faster and could more likely catch up with the person.

As I got closer i saw that the person was a girl, small figure with a slender frame and blonde hair curling down her back. She looked almost delicate. At the moment she turned her head to look behind her and I hid behind myself a tree, I was still in dog form. But I think she would still be weirded out if a dog was following her. I peered out and saw... Lucie. What was Lucie doing out here? In the Forbiden forest no less, she must be out of her mind.

Lucie turned a corner, behind a tree and I waited for her to comeout the other side but she didn't. I approched a large oak tree but no one was in sight. Confused, i roamed around the area of the oak tree, trying to find this missing blonde.

I turned around and saw her. Green eyes piercing. I've never noticed her eyes before. They looked like new leaves in Spring. But infront of them was a bow and it was pointing right at me.


Do you think Lucie will shoot Sirius, not knowing it's him?

Pls vote, thank you for reading. ill have the next chapter up as soon as i can :)

Broken Branches | maraudersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora