Platform 9 and 3/4

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Lucie couldn't remember the last time she'd been on a train. Or if she had ever been one at all. she simply boarded, with no luggage as she was techically on a train ride in the general direction of home. So with her she carried a small canvas bag that just contained her current sketchbook, a few charcole pencils in a case and the book she was currently reading: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

Because of her little to no luggage she was one of the first to board the train. claiming one of the compartments semi toward the end hoping she would be left alone. Sitting on the seat furthest from the sliding door, she peered out the window to see kids of various ages saying good bye to family members. Lucie felt a sharp sting pierce her chest and then just focused on her reflection instead of the people lying beyond the glass.

Her blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and it contrasted against the black shirt she was wearing. Reaching over to her bag that leaned against her feet. She pulled up her sketch book and a pencil and opened the stained pages to her detailed work and on the page was a building resembling Hogwarts. It was close but not quite right and as she continued to work on the south windows. A band of boys found their way outside of her compartment and slide open the door.

"Excuse me, are you waiting for anyone." a head peered in, eyes resting on Lucie. She was not expecting the voice because as it came she jumped and messed up a window. With a quick sigh in frustration, she looked up at the boys standing there.

The three boys behind the one who had just spoken had ceased their conversation and they wre all looking at her. Smiling, as if they were asking their mother for a sweet or asking to stay up 10 more miutes after bed time.

"No. No im not waiting for anyone." Lucie sighed, still annoyed at her mistake in her drawing. Paying no attention to the four sets of eyes on her.

"Then do you mind if we join you." one of them said, Lucie didn't know who the voice belonged to.

"Well...Feel free. There's four of you and one of me. I doubt i could stop you if I tried." Lucie confessed, finally looking back at the boys. Two, having a covisation, sat opposite each other, one directly next to Lucie making her shuffle closer to the wall and not giving it a second thought.

"And that is why, my friends, we should play Dominoes with the books in the library. " said the one with glasses and brown hair that looked like it needed to be cut.

"Mogonagal would sever you were you stood." chuckled the boy next to Lucie.

" I think thats the point Sirius, James has a death wish." interupted the boy with a book in his lap, without even looking up.

"But before i part with this dear world," he said dramatically, " Lilly must at least go on one date with me." said the boy who was apparently called James.

"Oh yea, and i turn into a fluffy unicorn once a month with a pink mane." stated the boy with the book as if it was a fact. At that Lucie gave a small chuckle without opening her mouth. It was obviously louder than anticipated. All the boys looked at her, including the boy who was yet to make a comment to the conversation.

"Do you know Evans blondie?" asked James and at the comment Lucie looked up from her sketch and lowered it on her lap. She made direct eye contact with James and leaned in a little to the groups huddle that they had unknowngly made.

"I'll admit that the name Lilly Evans has never crossed my vocabulary before, however, without ever meeting the girl I can tell she has good taste if she hasn't gone out with you. And i can tell you now James, if you ever call me 'blondie' again you wont have to worry about Mogonagal severing you because i will do it myself." Lucie said, not stuttering a word. All the boys just stared at her. She felt pride in her chest, but for got that she was supposedly here to make friends, this wasnt a great start.

James leaned back in his seat and looked like he had just been slapped across the face. The rest of the boys burst out laughing. Lucie simply jut looked down to her sketch, uncomfortable and unaware of what to do now. After the laughter subsided, the boy next to her, who had previously been adressed as Sirius, turned to Lucie and she looked up at him.

"Whats your name?" he asked, it was a simple question however Lucie felt threatened by it as it he would use it against her. She paused actually having to think about this question, she couldn't remember the last time she said her last name out loud. it was strange.

"Lucie...Lucie Fenton." she said

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