Waiting Games

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*3rd Person POV*

4 days went by and nothing changed. Lucie remained unconcious, Sirius remained by her side. The rest of the Marauders came and sat with Sirius just so he could get some sleep. It was the 5th day when something changed. Some one else walked in.

"What are you doing here Regulus?" spat Sirius, not even looking up from the floor.

"I came to see her, to see you all." he said, no one objected to Remus may have let a small growl slip, which Sirius appreciated to let Regulus know he wasn't welcome here. None of the Slytherins were. The boys were almost certain that Slytherins were responsible that they did this to Lucie, they just needed her to tell them what happened, then they could justify killing them. 

"How is she?" asked Regulus as he made his way around to the side of the bed opposite Sirius.

"Take a wild guess." retorted Peter, Sirius scoffed at the concern in his brothers voice. Sirius observed Regulus carefully, the way his brows furrowed together, they way his hand touched hers, this time Sirius growled. 

"Do the know when she wll wake?" he asked.

"No." said James. "Thats up to her." he said in defeat, Sirius let his head drop.

"I have something to confess." said Regulus. Sirius and the lads shot their head to him. 

"You know who did it?!" snapped Sirius, walking around the bed to his brother.

"Snape and Malfoy." said Regulus as if the name were poison in his mouth.

"Are you certain?" said Remus.

"Positive," snapped Regulus in return.

"How?" asked Peter.

"Because they tried to get me to help them." he said, looking to the floor. Sirius was now infront of his brother.

"And you didn't try and stop them!!" he yelled.

"I tried! I watched them do it! They wanted to beat her after the fall but I dragged them off. I couldn't stop them from pushing her but they stopped me from getting help! I'm sorry, please, can you forgive me?!" He shouted back, tears filling his eyes. "I know you love her Sirius and it killed me to watch you grieve but they threatened Pandora." pleaded Regulus, the Marauders knew of Regulus's friendship with Pandora Lovegood, they were quite the opposites but a close pair. 

Sirius's anger suddenly left him. He doesn't know why, nor how, but it did, he sat back in his chair. Regulus pulled one up beside where James sat. And he joined the four in their waiting game for Lucie to wake up. 

A few hours passed and a cough emerged. Not from Sirius, nor James, nor Peter and not from Remus nor Regulus. But from the bed. from the bed.

The small girl opened her eyes and smiled at her friends, all asleep around her, James was to the left side of the bed, he had his shoulder on Regulus? Why was he here? she didn't have a problem with him, only his friends. Peter was sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. Sirius was on the left side, by her head, asleep in a chair, Remus asleep beside him, still holding his book in his lap. 

Lucie sat up and examined her self, she felt stiches on her scalp and a little dizzy, she had a bandage on her wrist, whether if it was broken or sprained she didn't know. She poked Sirius's knee. He didn't stir. She poked it again.

"Go back to sleep James." he muttered.

"i think I've had enough sleep to last me a while." She whispered and his eyes shot open.

"Oh Love, I've missed you so much." He said as his voice cracked, he had his hand in hers, pulling it up to his lips to kiss it, she moved over and he lay in her hospital bed. 

"Sirius, what happened?" she said into his chest. she felt his nustle into her hair, taking her in. She felt like crying, she was so happy.

"You took a tumble down the stairs, Slytherins pushed you, do you remember?" He asked softley and she nodded.

"I remember being kicked then I remember you screaming, you were screaming so much. I'm so sorry Pads. I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm sorry for all of it." she wept into him and he cradled her body,  he pulled back and wiped her tears with his thumb only to realise he had been crying too.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I love you so much Lucie, I was so afraid I had lost you. i honestly have no idea what I would do if I lost you. I think I might just fall apart." He said, it wiped his tears.

"I would never leave you Pads, not every." she smiled and he pulled her further into him, kissing her softly, like it was the last thing he might ever do. He loved her with all his heart and she knew it because she returned the feeling. 

"I love you so much Padfoot." she whispered.

"I love you more." he said.

"Not fucking possible." she said and he laughed out loud, he hadn't done that for 5 days.

"As much as I love you and this moment, would you like to do the honours or shall I?" he offered.

"Why of course..." Lucie cleared her throat, "How come I'm the one always in a fucking hospital bed, why can't one of you break a bone every once and a while." she said surprisingly loud. Suddenly they were all awake.

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