Scheming Session

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3rd person.

Sirius, appeared in the boys dorm, turned and shut the door behind him, Capturing the attention of the others in the room: Moony, Wormtail and Prongs, all looked at him concerned.

"Where the hell have you been Padfoot, Moony kept beating me at cards. I needed you to help me cheat." Whined James. Remus knew the James and Sirius ganged up when it came to card games and cheated and sometimes he let them so this wasnt a surprise.

"You guys...." they all looked at Sirius. And he begun to tell him the unfolding story of the past few hours.

"So she almost killed you?" questioned James, almost not believing the story he just heard.

"She's been living on her own for two years?" asked Remus.

"It would explain her people skills..." Said James,putting a hand to the fading bruise on his jaw.

"Apparently so, my theory is she lives somewhere in the woods because where did she get the bow from, and the bag.... She didn't have it when I left her in the woods. But she came out with it on her shoulder. She must have gotten it from somewhere." Finished Sirius. The boys all nodded their head.

"So what now, do we follow her? Find out where she goes?" asked Peter. A grin appeared on Jame's face.

"Marauders i think we should find out what she's hiding. As Sirius said, she doesn't want us to find out which makes me all the more curious. Or at least get closer to us until she tells us." said James.

"I don't know Prongs, she sounded kinda sad, whatever it is. I think it's something she would rather forget." Sirius considered "But she just disappeared, I want to know where she went, so I'm up for following her." he finished.

"So it's decided then. We attemp to follow her every move, every second of every day?" Clarified Remus and they all looked at him and the divised a plan.


Lucie's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. I'm not quite sure why but I just felt troubled. Burdened by my past no matter how hard I tried to supress it. I decided for to catch upon a few chapters so i grabbed my book and went down to the common room. The fire was still lit which cast a shadow of the person sitting in front of it. Remus Lupin was leaning against the front of the arm chair, legs outstreched infront of him. Book on his lap.

I contemplated going back upstairs but it was to late. He turned his head to the side and was looking in my general direction.

"What are you reading?" he asked noticing the book in my hand. I was still standing by the stairs so i slowly made my way to the sofa diagonaly opposite the armchair and nestled into it.

"Little Women." I said simply

"Louisa May Alcott?" he asked, sounding unsure. I nodded.

"A Tale of Two Cities." I read of the cover of his book. He nodded. and we fell into a comfortable silence. 20 minutes passed and Remus sighed, closing his book. He slowly stood as if he might fall over. Not drunk, just tired.

"Lucie, No matter how much the others deny it, we are thankful you took care of us the other night. Even if you did have to balance out the scales with your little stunt. It's our tradition to get to the three broomsticks the night we arrive you see." He said calmly, he was obviously tired.

"You're welcome and call James a pink sparkily teddy bear for me. I haven't seen him since breakfast." A small smile tugged at my lips as Remus let out a small chuckle as he turned to the door. Suddenly he turned around.

"Where did you go after breakfast?" Remus said bluntly. I'll admit I was caught off guard and was suprised. I looked up at him from him book.

"What are you talking about, I told you four that I was unpacking my things." I said, trying to stay calm. What made him ask me. Did they see me? I was internally panicking. If they found out where I went I was surely never to hear the end of it.

"Yes, that is what you told us but is that what you actually did. Sirius saw you... He saw you coming out of the Forbiden forest." he confessed.

"Sirius is delusional and a liar." I spat. Remus seemed shocked at my outburst. But I had no explanation for myself. That was too close. What if Sirius had followed me and gotten himself hurt. What if the he followed me and found my home, he would no doubt tell the rest of his friends.

Realising how defensive I sounded I tore my gaze from him and muttered a 'goodnight' before fleeing up the stairs.

"Goodnight Lucie Fenton." I heard him say.


what will the boys discover i wonder?....

also who do you want Lucie to end up with? i'm open for suggestions.

thank you for reading xx

Broken Branches | maraudersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora