Telling the Truth

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A/n this is carried on from the previous chapter/same scene.just to clarify :)


Lucie walked over to a cuboard beside the sofa and pulled out a very  large blanket and placed it over Hagrid, who was still softly snoring.

"Hey Curls. How come you know this place so well? And Hagrid, you  guys seem really close." said Sirius leaning over the back of his chair,  looking at her. At his comment Remus, Peter and James did the same.  Lucie let out a small sigh and without thinking.... told them the truth.

"I lived here." no responce. "From the ages of 10- 13 i lived here."  Lucie looked at the table and began to walk back over. "From the ages of  10- 13 I shared this hut with him." she gestured to the sleeping  Hagrid. "I looked after him and he looked after me. Teaching me how to  hunt and use a wand, providing me with the books and correct literature  that could teach me things he couldn't." She sat back down at the table  that was littered with cards and bottles. "For five years, he was the  only person i talked to aside from woodland animals. Whom I killed for  food." She said simply.  The boys remained silent and just stared at her  but she didn't meet their gaze. It was official Lucie had lost her  filter of her words.

"Dumbledoor found me in the muggle world when I needed help. When I  needed it more than anything. When I had no one left. He brought me here  and I am greatful for it. I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't." Lucie could feel the tears burn in her  throat though nothing came out of her eyes she could tell it was evident  based on the crack in her voice.

"What happened when you turned 13?" asked James, cautiously. Lucie  comprehended his comment carefully. She almost didn't hear him over the  silence between her breaths.

"You're 15 now, so where were you for two years Curls?" explained  Padfoot after he saw she was having trouble understanding Prongs. Lucie  cleared her throat and looked at the four sets of eyes looking at her.

"When I was 13, I spent my free time in the woods. Either killing  shit because thats what teens do. " Remus exchanged a concerned look  with Peter but Lucie just shrugged it off and took another swig of beer.  "Or I was building a tree house concealed in the branches of an oak  tree. I was seeled of from the world and I loved that. Of course I still  visted Hagrid all the time, as much as I could. From the age of 11 he's  been trying to convince me to go to Hogwarts." Lucie leaned back in her chair looking at her friends. "He thought it would be good for my  psycological health to talk and interact with people my own age. Of  course he was right but I'm a stubborn prick so I said no."

"You said no to Hogwarts for four years?" asked Peter, keeping his voice low. Lucie nodded.

"What changed your mind? What made the age of 15 any different when it comes to school?" asked James audibly curious.

"Well Hagrid and I made a deal." she leaned forward in her seat and  into the table. "We agreed that if I took the train with the students  and actually met an interacted with people my age then if I didn't like  any of you pricks in my year then i didn't have to go. And Hagrid could ask again next year." The Remus wa the first to put 2 and 2 together.

"But you sat with us the whole time and from i remembered it wasn't  actually the most positive first impression. A memorable one but if I remeber correctly James called you 'Blondie' so you gave him a wake up call about Evans and when you tried to leave. I stopped you and then you  nailed Prongs in the jaw. We were pricks to you." Said Remus, chuckling  at the last part. Sirius and Peter smiled at the memory. James put a  hand to where Lucie hit him that day, as if to check if it still hurt.

"Yes  well when I met you lot I believed everyone would be nice try to make me feel welcome with all that mushy bullshit. You're the ones that gave me a wakeup call and thanks to you guys i bonded with Lilly, Alice and  Marlene with our mutual hate for you." Lucie explained.

Jame's ears pricked up. "Lilly flower hates me?" he asked sort of sad. Lucie smiled.

"No  Prongs, Lilly flower doesn't hate you." Lucie explained to him and he  game a warm smile. Relief. It reminded Lucie of when she had found them  drunk in the common room that night and James had gone: 'yaaayyyyyy'  softly when Lucie had told him Lilly wanted to have his babies. Of  course Prongs was no where near that drunk right now and probably didn't  even remember that. Which only made Lucie smile. She began to get up.

"Come  on boys. Bedtime." she said patting Wormtail and Padfoot on the head as she went around the table collecting the glass bottles.

Sirius looked up at this and looked at Lucie who had her hand on Peters shoulder. Lucie was acting like what she had just told the boys was common and not a big deal. But the truth was the Marauders were the first teenage interaction she had ever had. And it was a shit one.  Sirius felt like he needed to say something to her but nothing came out.  He looked at her and she looked at peace like a large weight had been lifted off her chest.

"Hey Curls." Sirius said as Lucie put the bottles away.Moony had began to gather the cards on the table.

"Why did you come to live with Hagrid? I said you came from the muggle world. So your muggle born?" he asked, she looked at him and a  small smile tugged at her lips almost like she was pleased he'd been listening.

"Yes, Padfoot I am a muggle born." She said as she helped Prongs stand up from his seat. Remus caught on to where Sirius was  going with his question.

"You said Dumbledoor showed up when you needed help, when you needed it more than anything." Remus said. Lucie stopped what she was doing and looked to where Remus and Sirius stood next to each other beside the now clean table.

"What happened to your muggle family when you were 10?" asked James from behind her.

"Why did Dumbledoor bring you to Hagrids?" added Peter from next to James.  Lucie forced a smile and looked at her feet. A small tear slipped down her cheek. She was cornered by questions and it was all her fault. All of the suddenly noticed her discomfort and at the same time. And they embraced around her.

Lucie let tears quietly flow as she nuzzled her face in the warmth of her  friends. She felt safe. She appreciated her friends more than they would  ever know. All five left Hagrid's hut spotless and returned to the  Gryffindor common room. The boys all gave her one last hug and she  returned to her bed. Everyone was aleep. Marlene, Lilly and Alice included. Marlenes digital clock pierced the dark and read: 4:12am.



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