Gravity and Slytherins.

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"Did you guys do what I think you did?" said a voice, Jame's voice, and he did not sound happy.

"Errrrr...... do you want an honest answer?" said the person I was leaning on. I was still in Sirius's bed, wearing one of his oversized band tee-shirts. I had my head pressed on his chest and he spoke to James in a hushed tone, obviously considerate of me sleeping. 

"You did it? Whilst we were asleep?" asked Remus, i tried to hide my giggle, I managed. I opened my eye a little.

"No, Maybe." said Sirius  "Now will you please keep your voices down, she's still sleeping." Sirius pleaded.

"I vote we end this conversation here." Objected Peter, standing up from his bed.

"Shut it." Said Sirius is a whisper shout. He's cute when he's mad. Who am I kidding? He's cute all the time.

"I say what Sirius and Curls do in their spare time is up to them. Prefrably not whilst we are in the room, despite being asleep or not." said Remus.

"Why would you not be asleep? Why do you wanna get a bit of action from two of your best mates Moony?" teased James and Remus scoffed which faded into a laugh.

"If I was going to fuck anyone James it would most definity be you my love." said Remus, trailing a hand, jokingly through Jame's hair. I wanted to join Sirius and Peter in laughing so bad.

So I did. They all jumped at the noise. Sirius came and sat on his bed, beside me, I stayed lying down.

"Mornin' love." he said, brushing a piece of my hair from my face when I was done laughing.

"Morning Pads." I greeted.

"No morning for us then?" teased James.

"Good morning." I chuckled, sitting up, pulling Siriu's shirt down to cover as much as the covers didn't.

"How long have you been awake?" asked Peter, shrugging on his robe.

"Long enough."

"Chocolate?" Remus offered, moving towards the bed.

"Thanks Moony." I took a small piece, I moved to get out of bed but realised I was still only in my underwear and a big t-shirt. Sirius noticed my expression.

"What's wrong darling?" he said smoothly.

"I'm half naked, that's all." I said simply and Sirius chuckled like the devil whilst Peter, James and Remus where already halfway out the door.


"Cmon Peter, we're going to be late." I said, getting up from the breakfast table. Peter and I had potions. 

"You say that like it's a bad thing Curls." said James, who was doing his best to try and not strae at Lily, he was doing well.

"Good point." I muttered, sitting back down. 

And it was because of this that Peter and I were in fact late to class. We were walking down a deserted hallway on our way to potions, joking and laughing when 2 people turned the corner. 2 people in dark green robes. Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape. 

"Well if it isn't Petrigrew and Mudblood." snickered Blondie.

"Bugger of Malfoy." sneered Peter.

"Oh wow, how original, seriously dude come up with some new insults." I spat at the slytherins, walking past them both, Peter keeping up at my side. A hand grabbed my hood and slammed me against the wall.

"Get off her Malfoy." said Peter, taking a step forward, towards me and Lucius but Severus got in his way.

"No Mudblood talks to me that way." Lucius sneered, leaning into me. I shoved him off.

"Obviously some one should. I would call you an imbecile but that would be undoubtedly cruel considering I doubt you even know how to spell it." I spat and I saw even Snapes, mouth turn up a fraction from a small laugh.

"How dare yo-" Blondie began.

"Sorry Blondie, gotta get to class, why don't you go find someone who gives a fuck!" I yelled, running with Peter to class, laughing all the way.

After we were scoulded for being late, Professor gave us a lecture on Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world.

"Miss Fenton, would you like to tell us all what you smell?" asked Professor, I shrugged slightly and stepped forward and inhaled deeply.

"I smell, leather, rain on concrete, smoke and cologne." I said and they nodded, I took a step back and looked at Peter, he was grinning like mad. He knew exactly who I smelled and so did I, I didn't just smell any cologne, I smell Sirius's.


Classes when by quickly, my last was Divination which had no marauders in. I asked Professor some questions about the homework and when I was satisfied. I made my way down the stairs. I was all alone until I heard a patter of footsteps. I turned to see nothing but my own shadow and a small echo. I turned back around but heard a small chuckle, I span on my feet to see a flash of robes before two hands shoved me forward. I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. I lost count of which parts of my body where hit during the dumble but I was too in shock to scream. I landed at the bottom. 

I wimpered as I attempeted to move, only to collapse on myself. I felt warm blood seep down my forehead and trickle near my eyes. i rested my head on the concrete floor and felt some one step over me. The last thing I saw was a flash of white searing pain blind me for a second as I felt a force hit my back. A kick. Someone stepped over me and I saw the same robes I saw before I was pushed. 

The same green robes.





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