Chapter 6

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Amari looked at the possessor of the voice, the person supposed to be dead...
















Yasuda: "Did you miss me, I'm willing to bet it."

Kajo: Holy shit dude!  We thought you were dead!"

Yasuda: "That was the point, yes."

Amari stood where he was in shock.  Yasuda had a big sinister smile on his face, like he knew something the rest of them didn't... maybe he did...

Senmoka: "Well, fuck, I thought you died shithead."

Kiyoi: "I-I saw you sh-shoot yourself th-though."

Yasuda: "Did you ever check if that gun was loaded Kiyoi?  You didn't, because if you did you'd know the bullets were fake, they keep fake blood here as well."

Kiyoi: "B-but-"

Yasuda: "Anyway, I'm supposed to be here to help with this trial!  I happen to know who the masterminds are and, as I'm helping them, I'm here to answer your questions until you get it right or are ready to vote!  Got it?"

Everyone around Amari, except Amari himself, nodded.

Yasuda: "Amari, what's wrong?"

That sounded less of a question and more or a evil taunt. 

Amari: "My first question is, did you mean what you said on that video?"

Yasuda's face stiffened before the smile widened and grew more and more sinister. 

Yasuda: "As a matter of fact I did, but anyway, let's start!"

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now