Chapter 2

35 2 16

☑ No weapon found
☑ Poisoned
 ☑ Motive
☑ ????????????

Amari looked to Yasuda, who looked prepared to ruin everything.  

'No weapon found, huh?  The killer probably took it.  Let's hope someone was thinking the same thing.'

Amari- "It says that no weapon was found, what does that mean?"

Senmoka- "It means No weapons were there."

Moyasu- "Someone probably took it!"

Kiyoi- "Yeah..."

'Now who should be our first suspect?  Not Senmoka, even though the weapon is poison, she'd be too smart to outright poison him.  No one expects me to know that though, so i won't say anything'

Yuki- "The weapon was poison, right?  Who's the only one here with poison on them 24/7."

Senmoka- "Don't fucking pin this shit on me."

Naoki- "Well isn't that suspicious."

Senmoka- "You better shut your fucking mouth you short asshole, i didn't do this shit.

Moyasu- "Yeah we were together the whole time, even when i was making breakfast."

'Wait, i've only ate once here... we had breakfast?  Well shit.'

Naoki- "Poison can kick in later, have you considered that she poisoned your food?"

'No... Senmoka is to smart for that.  She'd make sure poison couldn't be 100% the reason.'

Amari stood quietly, he didn't speak his thoughts, no one would expect him to be able to connect this.  

Moyasu- "B-but-"

Naoki- "She killed, didn't she..."

Moyasu- ".........."

Naoki- "You'll have to vote her off, she killed someone after all-"

Amari- "No!  Senmoka wouldn't do that!"

Naoki- "How would you know that Dai..."

Amari- "I'm not saying she wouldn't kill, i'm saying she wouldn't directly poison a victim.  It'd be too easy to track to her.  She'd be too smart for that."

Naoki- "Wow Dai... surprising, but no one else has poiso-"

Moyasu- "Someone must have stolen it from her."

'I know but who...?  They'd have to be near Moyasu and her.'

Senmoka- "I don't keep many poisons on me, the most deadly ones are in my dorm."

Naoki- "So you keep *some* on you."

Senmoka- "Not good ones.  They just knock a person out."

'Maybe... if a  person used them on her while she was asleep, to make sure she wasn't able to wake up, then took the poisons used to kill Takanori then she'd never notice.'

Amari- "You think the knockout poisons on you?"

Senmoka- "I would've noticed Amari."

Amari- "I mean while you sleep."

Senmoka- "Hm, i guess i wouldn't hav-"

Kajo- "In her sleep you sa-"

Moyasu- "No, stop talking Kajo.  We all know what you're going to say"

Kajo put his arms up defensively. 

Kajo- "Alright i was just sa-"

Moyasu- "Nope, no, stop talking."

Naoki- "Anyway, what you're saying is that someone used Senmoka's poisons while she was asleep stole her more dangerous ones and poisoned Takanori?"

Amari- "Yep."

Naoki- "Then it had to have happened during a time no one would notice, maybe making breakfast and the only people who cook are Igarashi and Moyasu."

Goman- "So it's down to them."

Senmoka- "I doubt it was Moyas-"

Naoki- "Why, just because your *friends*, though i understand, we'll have to vote one of them."

Senmoka- "But-"

Naoki- "It was one of them, so Dai if you don't mind, explore who could of done it please."

Amari- "Alright.  So if the person it had to be would have to know where Senmoka kept both types of poisons, and have cooked with a delayed poison and fed it to Takanori."

Yasuda had quiet applause.  

Naoki- "Good job, now Igarashi... where were you in the morning.  Before breakfast and shit."

Igarashi- "I was-"

Kiyoi- "She- uhm- she was helping m-me."

Naoki- "With what exactly."

Kiyoi- "i- w-with-"

Igarashi- "As the Ultimate Adviser i choose not to reveal what i help other with."

Naoki- "Alright then, Moyasu... you know Senmoka well."

Moyasu- "Yes..."

Naoki- "And what exactly was for breakfast?"

Moyasu- "I made pancakes for each person.  But I didn't kill Takanori i promise!"

'So if Moyasu had done it, she'd know where Senmoka kept her poisons and she'd be able to poison Takanori.'

Amari- "Moyasu... you're the only one who knows where Senmoka keeps her poisons and you made breakfast, i'm sorry but you're the only choice."

Moyasu- "Bu-"

Pochikuma~VOTING TIME!~

Senmoka- "I'm sorry Moyasu, i-i don't want to do this... but we have to..."

Moyasu- "I'm sorry too..."

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