Chapter 4

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Amari: "So what's going on?"

Marcus: "We're taking a vote if we should share our secrets now so Pochikuma can't make us kill for them later."

'Well... maybe we should, but I haven't even read mine so it could be horrible.  It all depends on what the others think.'

Amari looked over to an aggressive looking Senmoka

Senmoka: "I'm voting we should."

He looked towards Igarashi who had her arms crossed and shaking her head. 

Igarashi: "Absolutely not."

Kajo: "They can't all be *that* bad, so just say it."

Goman: "That ridiculous, just because you have nothing bad doesn't mean *we* don't."

Joseph: "But it could stop a murder and end this motive."

Yasuda: "A secret is a secret no matter what."

Marcus: "But is it really worth a life!"

Amari noticed how everyone was growing angrier and angrier but Kiyoi kept extremely quiet, even quieter then Igarashi. 

Joseph: "The whole point of this motive is that if a murder doesn't take place the secrets get told anyway, so if we just say them now then there'd be no reason to kill!"

Goman: "Some of us might not want to share our secrets for a *reason* Joseph!"

Senmoka: "Well it's not worth someones fucking life!"

'A secret is still a secret, huh?'

Amari: "If a secret's still a secret, like Yasuda said, then we should respect that, we don't know what on others papers but we shouldn't force others to read theirs to us."

Senmoka: "What the fuck man?!"

Igarashi: "Thank god."

Kajo: "fuckin simp..."

Joseph: "But it'll happen anyway if nobody die-"

Goman: "Good."

Amari sighed at the various responses, he felt a gloved hand on his shoulder and turned down to see it was Yasuda.

Yasuda: "Thank you, Dai."

Amari smiled and nodded at the prince. 

Marcus: "Let's vote then raise your hand for reading them out loud."

Senmoka, Kajo, Joseph and Marcus. 

Marcus: "Now if we shouldn't."

Yasuda, Igarashi, Goman, and Amari.

Marcus: "So it's a t-"

Marcus stopped himself as Kiyoi slowly started raising his hand. 

Marcus: "I-... I guess we shouldn't then..."

Senmoka groaned and almost stormed out before being stopped by Igarashi, who held her by her sleeve.

Kajo looked disappointed and a little angry. 

Marcus was looking over to Kiyoi, who was holding his arm and whispering something. 

Goman and Joseph where still slightly bickering about the vote. 

'Well this is surely gonna end well...'

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