Chapter 4

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Yasuda: "Well, I don't think th-"

Senmoka: "Hey, I made lunch and we're having a discussion in the cafeteria.  Hurry the fuck up."

Amari jumped at Senmoka's sudden appearance at the door of the garden. 

Amari: "Ok, we'll be right there!"

Yasuda unwrapped his arms from around Amari, as well as Amari's arms from around himself, and stood up. 

Amari stood up and followed the smaller prince out the hallway. 

Amari: "Yasu, hold up, are ya going to tell me wha-"

Amari was interrupted by Yasuda loudly shoving open the cafeteria doors.

Senmoka: "Hey, over here!"

Amari grabbed Yasuda's hand, that was about to flip off Senmoka, and dragged him over to the table everyone else was at. 

Marcus: "We've decided that only those who want to will share their secrets."

Kajo: "Yeah, maybe some of you will change your minds!"

Joseph: "We just need to make sure Tokuma and Pochikuma don't hear us this time."

Yasuda: "Well that's going to be quite tough."

Senmoka: "Why's that?!"

Yasuda: "Well because of the cameras of course, you didn't know?  Rekiki, we're constantly being watched here."

Joseph: "Then can you help us find the cameras?"

Yasuda: "Hm, give me one good reason to."

Senmoka: "How about not to be a dick, you asshole!"

Yasuda: "No."

Amari put his hand on Yasuda's shoulder, which caused Yasuda to look up into Amari's eyes. 

Yasuda turned his head away quickly and faced the other students ahead.

Yasuda: "Ugh, Fine, just a cup of tea please."

As everyone but Igarashi looked to her, Senmoka stomped away to the kitchen. 

The toxicologist returned quickly, and slammed the cup on the table in front of Yasuda. 

Senmoka: "Can you fucking tell us where the camera is now fucker?!"

Yasuda sipped from the cup and only pointed upwards in close corner. 

Kajo went over to where Yasuda had pointed and took down a small object.

Kajo: "I found this shit."

Kajo held out a small camera to the other students.

Amari: "Hey, can I see that for a second?"

Kajo: "Sure."

Kajo handed Amari the small camera and Amari pulled out a small hammer and screwdriver.

Amari knocked the camera lightly with the hammer and unscrewed a part of it's inside and proceeding to crush said part. 

Amari: "They can't do anything now."

Marcus: "Back to the reason we're all here-"

Kajo: "Lunch!"

Goman: "No you fucking idiot."

Joseph: "Be nice Goman."

Marcus: "We're here for some of us to share our secrets to lessen the motive, and yes... lunch."

Senmoka: "So who the fucks going first."

A long silence surrounded everyone. 

Kajo: "I had to strangle my dying guinea pig."

Senmoka: "...Sorry-"

Kajo: "It's fine... I just... yeah..."

Joseph: "Mines that I'm afraid of ferrets............ now I kinda feel bad about that......"

Marcus: "I watched my father............ die in front of me............... the mafia killed him in front of me......... I was a just kid............"

Joseph: "Yep I'm really feeling bad about mine now......"

Senmoka: "I accidentally...... killed someone with poison......"

Yasuda: "So did Moyasu-"


Amari: "Hey calm down!  We don't have to do that!"


Senmoka ran out of the room in pure rage. 

Marcus: "Igarashi, you've been quiet want to tell us yours?"

Igarashi shook her head and looked back down to the table.  Her face seemed to darken and fill with regret. 

Goman: "What about Kiyoi, he's been just as quiet."

Marcus: "He already told me his-"

Kajo: "Yeah and you can't say shit because you didn't tell yours either!"

Amari: "Hey, no one had to share."

Kajo: "Yeah but he shouldn't get to judge others, he didn't even say anything!"

Yasuda: "His might be worse then a guinea pig, Kajo."

Kajo: "How about you tell us *yours* before you say shit about anyone else!"

Yasuda: "I see no reason to tell you or anyone else about what was on my paper."

Yasuda was still drinking the tea he somehow had left, and as Amari looked over into his eyes the inventor saw entertainment in the princes eyes. 

Yasuda: "Besides, I tore up my paper anyway so I don't have my secret on me."

Kiyoi: "You r-read it though, d-didn't you?"

Yasuda: "Yes... and?"

Kiyoi: " S-so you should be able t-to tell what it w-was."

Yasuda: "I do, but I still have no reason to tell most of you."

Kiyoi let out a long sigh before turning over to Marcus, who nodded towards him.

Kajo: "What about you Igarashi-"

Kajo cut himself off once everyone, including himself, noticed Igarashi was gone. 

'Well shit, this couldn't go well'

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