Chapter 6

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The door creaked open to reveal a panicked Kiyoi rocking back and forth in the middle of the room. 

Marcus walked to the fear-filled barista first, whispering things that the other two couldn't hear. 

Amari put the goggles on and started scanning the room with the radio waved devise, the waves increasing in certain areas.

Amari gestured for Kajo to stand in the high radio waved corner, as Marcus was still calming Kiyoi down. 

As Amari was recording how the radio waves increased and decreased with Kajo standing in different places, a loud knock scared the shit out of everyone in that room.

~I'm baaaaaack~

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang