Chapter 4

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As Amari woke up he noticed the immense pain in his neck. 

He also noticed how he wasn't on his bed but was instead on his floor next to a still sleeping Yasuda. 

Amari looked over at Yasuda, who still had his head on the inventors shoulder, and smiled softly. 

He didn't want to move, as not to risk Yasuda waking up.  So he just sat there on the floor, an arm around Yasuda staring at the wall and ceiling. 

'This is nice, I really could get used to this.  I really do like him, huh?  I know that we'll all survive, and I'll make sure of it!'

Naoki: "Amari?  Are you awake?"

Amari: "Yep!"

Naoki: "Are you going to let go of me?"

Amari: "Sure!"

Amari lifted his arm off Yasuda's shoulders and stood up after the prince, who looked as if he just noticed his neck pain. 

Amari: "Hey Yasu?  I got a question?"

Naoki: "What is it?"

Amari: "Do you remember what I said last night?"

Naoki: "Of course I do..."

Amari: "I never got a real reaction out of you, I hope you know I do really mean it."

Amari watched Yasuda stiffen and blush before turning away from Amari and leaving. 

'Heh, oh well, I'll see him later.  I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable, I'd... I'd really hate that...'

Amari left his own room watching as Yasuda was running to what seemed to be the cafeteria. 

Amari casually walked over to the cafeteria as well.

Senmoka: "Hey Amari, what's up?"

Amari: "Nothing, I was just with Yasu."

Senmoka: "Why the hell was he running?"

Amari chuckled at the thought of the situation, Senmoka noticed it.

Senmoka: "What happened?"

Amari: "It doesn't matter really, it's fine."

Senmoka shrugged as the two walked into the cafeteria, Amari scanned the room to see who was with who.

Kiyoi was in the kitchen talking back-and-forth with Yasuda while Marcus was listening in. 
Igarashi seemed tired but was talking to a energetic, and probably coffee hyped, Kajo.
And Joseph and Goman seemed to be arguing, either playfully or lightly.

Amari sat down at a table close to the kitchen while Senmoka walked into the kitchen, probably to cook being the only one left who probably would and could. 

Marcus: "Hey Amari."

Amari looked over to Marcus who had walked over and took a seat at the table Amari was sitting at. 

Amari: "Hey Marcus, how are ya?"

Marcus: "Heh, nothing mu-"

Kajo: "Sup fuckers!"

Amari: "Heya Kajo."

Kajo: "How ya doing after that trail?"

Amari looked over to Marcus and thought back to the murder.  He was about to answer before a coffee cup being shattered startled everyone. 

Everyone looked over to the sound and saw that Kiyoi, who was probably hit with the coffee cup, had fallen to the floor and Igarashi had left.  Yasuda looked as if he had moved away before the incident. 

Marcus sprang up from his seat and ran towards Kiyoi, Amari heard Marcus immediately, and quite worriedly, asking if Kiyoi was ok. 

Amari turned to look back at Yasuda who looked at least slightly concerned about this. 

Amari debated whether to try and find Igarashi but thought about what happened last time they looked for someone. 

Amari stood up and walked over to Yasuda. 

Amari: "Hey, what happened?"

Yasuda: "Well I was asking Kiyoi about something and then Igarashi got mad when Rozumari was brought up and threw a cup at Kiyoi."

Amari hummed and looked over to the door, and motioned to Yasuda to come over to him. 

Amari: "Follow me, ok."

Yasuda: "Alright."

Amari held out his hand and Yasuda took it as Amari lead him down the hall. 

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora