Chapter 6

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Amari walked over and opened his door. 

Kajo: "Hey dude!  We came to check in!"

Marcus: "You missed morning announcement and we thought you just wanted to stay in after yesterday.  Even Kiyoi's freaking out, he said he's being haunted and he won't calm down."

Amari looked back to the video he left on his bed, and an idea rushed to his head. 

Amari: "Nah, I just slept through it, hey, come in I have an idea."

Amari walked away from the door to a pile of metal as the other two walked in. 

The inventor put a familiar pair of goggles on and started fiddling with some metal and went to work on his new idea. 

Kajo: "Hey, what's this?"

Amari turned back over to Kajo, who was holding the video pad in his hand.

Amari pointed to the fuckboy and turned back to his invention.

Amari: "Don't touch that."

Kajo: "Is it important?"

Amari: "Do not touch that."

Kajo: "Is it po-"

Marcus: "Dude, he said don't touch it.  And I doubt it."

A few minutes of questioning from Kajo and Amari's new invention was finished. 

A backpack with a propeller attached to a small devise with radio waves to it, included with another pair of goggles.

'Let's go ghost hunting.'

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now