Chapter 5

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Amari couldn't sleep.


Whenever he closed his eyes he saw Yasuda's dead body. 

Whenever there was silence he heard the nag of the gun. 

'What happens now?'

Amari slowly left the room, walking to the cafeteria. 

He made his way to the kitchen and *tried* make some coffee, praying it would keep his eyes open. 

Keyword *tried*. 

Even with the failed coffee, he made his way to a table. 

Senmoka: "What are you doing up here so late?"

Amari: "I-uh-I couldn't sleep."

Senmoka: "Well that's not going to help... whatever that is."

Amari: "I tried to make coffee."

Senmoka: "Well that's not coffee, but I can help you." 

Amari: "Thanks."

Senmoka walked over to the kitchen with Amari following her, and started making coffee. 

Senmoka: "So... you really miss him huh?"

Amari held back tears at the comment, the memory stung his mind. 

He still tried to put up his normally optimistic voice. 

Amari: "Yeah, I'm fine though!"

Senmoka: "Don't lie to me, Amari.  I know you're not 'fine'.  I know how it feels to lose someone close to you, I lost Moyasu.  You really liked him, huh?"

Amari's face fell, she was right, he stopped trying to put up an optimistic voice.

Amari: "Yeah, I just- I really did... like him."

Senmoka glanced at Amari and handed him his cup. 

Senmoka: "Wanna talk about it?"

Amari nodded as he took his cup and walked back to the table. 

The two talked as Amari finished hus coffee, which seemed to have the opposite effect as he grew tired when he finished the cup. 

Amari: "I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

Senmoka: "Alright, 'night."

Amari went over to his room and laid down on his bed, immediately shut his eyes, falling asleep. 

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora