Chapter 4

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Kajo: "Hey anyone in here?!"

Senmoka: "Well their nowhere fucking else."

Amari: "Yeah I'm in here..."

Amari barely raised his voice, so he didn't scare Yasuda who's head was on his lap. 

Though when he responded the other two ran over.

Kajo: "Hey dude, why'd you two run out?"

Amari shrugged, honestly he just followed Yasuda because he wanted to... in a way.

Senmoka: "Well everyone else is still in the cafeteria trying to work out this motive.  Some are saying that we should read our secrets out loud."

Amari: "I'm not reading mine, Pochikuma said the motive started when we read the secrets so I didn't read mine.

Senmoka: "Still you and that little shit should get to the cafeteria."

Yasuda: "I'm awake you know."

Senmoka: "Yeah, I know."

Yasuda: "Fuck you, you're only mad because Moyasu's dead and you blame me because I pointed out what she di-"


Amari: "Hey!  Stop it, let's not fight ok!"

Kajo was laughing his ass of at this but managed to nod slightly, as if to agree with Amari. 

Senmoka: "Fine, just come to the cafeteria... everyone's waiting."

Amari nodded as Senmoka and Kajo left. 

Amari waited for Yasuda to stand up before standing himself, and started walking out of the garden.

Amari turned to Yasuda who was walking beside him, and thought it was a good idea to ask him a question.

Amari: "Yasu are you planning to read your secret out loud?"

Yasuda: "Absolutely not."

Amari: "But you said it was 'useless' and 'untrue' so why would it matt-"

Yasuda: "Because I don't want to Dai..."

Amari shrugged and decided not to push any further. 

The two eventually made it to the cafeteria and saw everyone in a circle with their papers. 

Marcus waved the two over to join the circle. 


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