"Harry.... Harry... Harry." I had the hugest grin on my face. He gulped and pushed his back against the wall. I used the chains that we would use on the prisoners to hook him against the wall and tied his feet together.

"Let me go." He commanded. Usually if somebody asked him to do something, they would do it.

"No can do." I smiled and stood in front of him. He frowned and pulled at his hands above him.

"Niall you were my friend. I trusted you." He said almost in disbelief. I felt a slight pang of guilt but it was quickly replaced with hunger.

"And I thought you liked me but you liked Hannah." I pressed the tip of the knife against his stomach and his body stiffened.

"You don't have to do this." He pleaded. "I'll do anything." He cried. I ignored him again and continued.

"You know what I have found out?" I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. I didn't think he would be crying but he was. "If you stab somebody right here..." I took a step foreword and pressed the knife against his lower waist. He pressed his head against the wall and waited for me to continued. "They can live almost two more days." I smirked.

"Niall please." He pleaded. I ignored his fetish attempts and stabbed him right where I said I would. He screamed out in pain and I could hear his heartbeat quicken. I took a step back and his eyes locked on the knife going through his body. Once he saw it he screamed again and looked up at me. A large amount of red liquid started dripping down onto his pants and seeped through his shirt. I pressed my hand against it and his head rolled back in pain.

"I've waited for this for so long." I smiled and licked the blood off my hand. He watched in sheer terror.

"You're a.. You're a..." He couldn't finish what he was trying to say. I came face to face with him.

"Vampire." I hissed. His pupils seemed to grow big and he pressed his head back against the wall. His feet tried to find the ground under him but he was at least an inch from it. "I'll be back." I grinned and went over to the door. I looked back over my shoulder and he was trying to get the knife out. Not smart.

I skipped up the stairs and made my way to the dinning room where the parents were now having their desert. I hated the six hour dinners. They were incredibly stupid. The only reason I had to participate in them was because Harry and I were supposedly mates. I pretended to do it because I thought it would be fun to take advantage of him. Zayn didn't protest because as long as he didn't get in trouble with me, I could do what I pleased. I took a deep breath and ran at human speed into the room.

"Somethings wrong." I pretended to pant and put my hands on my knees. "Hannah.." I paused. "She's dead." Hannah's Mum gasped and stood up. "Garden." I pointed to the door. "Harry's... Gone... I couldn't.. Save him.." I panted. Everyone in the room got up and started running towards the back door. As soon as I was alone I smiled to myself and went back down to the cellar.


Harry didn't have anymore energy. He was almost gone. I teased with him for almost two days. His head was hanging down and his body was almost completely red. I got up from where I was sitting and made my way over to him again. His head slowly went up when he heard me coming towards him.

"You still have this inside of you." I grabbed the knife from his chest and ripped it out. Harry's head went back and his back came off the wall. "I had a lot of fun with you Harry but I think it's time for you to go." I smiled. His lips parted and a small amount of blood started trailing down the side of his lips.

"I'll make it slow. Don't worry." I went behind him and undid the chains from the ceiling. He fell down onto the ground and he fell onto his side. Instead of letting him rest I grabbed his feet and dragged him across the room. I proceeded to pick him up and I held onto his waist tightly. All the bite marks going up his arms were mostly fresh and yesterday I made a bunch on his sides. I had waisted a lot if blood but it was worth it.

"Ni." Harry tried to speak but his head fell onto his shoulder. Perfect. I sat down against the wall and pulled him up against my chest. His breathing was getting slow but I could tell that I had at least ten more minutes.

I brushed the, now mostly red, curls from the side of his face and took a long inhale. I turned Harry's head so that he was looking at me. His eyes were dark green but they were usually light. He looked drained. Well, he was but..

"Harry." I said his name slowly. His eyes met mine and then he turned his head back to the side and let out a shaky sigh. I leaned down and buried my face into his neck. I paused before I actually bit down on him. I was taking his life. At least, that's what I planned to do. He let out a painful scream even though he didn't think he had his voice anymore. I bit deeper and his hands eagerly reached up to stop me. I grabbed them in annoyance and held them in one of my hands. I could feel his pain echoing through me but I blocked it out. I bit down even harder and more blood filled my mouth. I heard a bone crack but I ignored it. He started screaming louder and thrashing around.

After a minute his screams died down and his breathing was slowing. There wasn't enough blood left in him to satisfy me though. I let go of his neck when I thought he stopped breathing and I went down to other parts of his body where it would be fresh.

I drained part of his leg and pulled away but then I noticed something odd. The bite marks were slowly fading until they were tiny dots on his skin. I looked down at the one I had just made and it disappeared also. My eyes widened in realisation at what I had just done. The knife mark closed up into a thin line you could only see if you looked close enough.

"Harry?" I spoke quietly. He was still for a minute or so. I continued to watch him, to see if he would really wake up. His hands clenched into fists and he took a deep breath. His eyes suddenly shot open and he sat straight up. His eyes widened and I guess it was because of his new vision. His head twisted to me and he looked scared.

"What?" He said slowly. His hands touched the places on his body that I had hurt him but he found nothing. He gasped and took deep breaths at the sudden air flow he had back in his throat.

"Harry, you're going to need to stay calm." I said softly. I was thinking about snapping his neck but I decided against it because that was something Zayn did. Maybe I could just take him back to Zayn and let him take care of it. He would be angry with me though.

"No!" He shouted. "Leave me alone!" He got up and ran to the door. He wasn't expecting to go as fast as I knew he would go and he face planted into the door. He turned to look at me one last time before opening the door and leaving me alone in the basement, with a load of trouble on my shoulders.

Vampire's Apprentice // Larry StylinsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz